2014年10月11日 星期六



Dear Ones, so many of you have been hurt in yourrelationships. In response to that, many of you block yourselvesoff from love in a desire to keep yourselves safe. We understandthis seems like a perfectly logical response, but hear us when wesay that pinching off from the love that you are is one of the mostpainful things you can ever experience. You ARE love. You come fromlove, and your natural state is to BE love. Isolation is not love.Fear is not love. Distrust is not love. Simply put, you cannotexperience unity consciousness and separate yourself at the sametime. To deny love is to deny yourself on the deepestlevel.


What has caused you pain has been the effects ofsomeone operating outside of love. Or perhaps, you have foundyourself behaving in ways in your previous relationships that werean indicator of being outside of the love that you are, yourself.If you are having difficulties, it is because you are notexperiencing yourself as the love that you are. If you are allowingsomeone to abuse you, or, if you are not treating others as theydeserve, you are no longer allowing love to lead theway.


Embrace love again. Fill yourself up with the endlesswellspring of unconditional love that is available to you, andallow it to heal you, to fulfill you, until it spills out from youjoyously. Use love as your new template. Make decisions based onwhat is allowing you to experience yourself as love. Allow thoseinto your sacred inner circle who let their love lead the way. Todo so will enable you to connect in ways that are safer, and farmore satisfying, than you have experienced thus far. Make nomistake about it, Dear Ones, you are on the planet, above all else,to experience yourselves as the love you truly are. ~ArchangelGabriel

