2014年10月24日 星期五



Every single time you choose to be in your highestalignment, you are creating a beautiful bridge between heaven andearth. It does not matter whether you do it through prayer,meditation, intention, enjoying nature, simply BEing, loving, orspending time in your passions, it has profound and far-reachingenergetic results.


If every human being, regardless of their faith or beliefsystem, would make spending time in that alignment a priority, itwould have a tremendously stabilizing affect on your world. Can yousee why extreme busyness is so destructive to you?


You are all far more powerful in your choices than yourealize. Slow down. Connect. Find your joy. Bask in energies thatsupport you and feel good. To do so is to be of service, both toyou and your beloved planet. ~Archangel Gabriel

