2019年2月5日 星期二


偉大的一們 ,一個重大的星際之門會在3月21日的春分開啟,會完結長達3個月

great ones,a major celestial stargate is set to open on the 3/21 equinox which finalizes 3 months of powerful ascension activity among starseeds stationed on earth!


this incredible time is known as 'the event!'


the climax for humanity's ascension event, foreseen in ancient times, was called the kali yuga or the grand solar flash!


this high-frequency light wave being sent by benevolent star forces is an incredible blast of white magnetized plasma that is already impacting the earth and our auric fields in profound ways!


the great time of humanity, spoken of old is now, dear ones!


this intense wave of light that star forces have been sending to earth over the last 3 months is for the primary purpose of building and integrating your new crystalline light body!


your light body must be tempered, exercised, and stretched to gently bring it into its own awareness! this can be a bit challenging at first because you are like the literal caterpillar morphing into a butterfly!


the caterpillar /butterfly transition its state of being while it is both dying and being reborn at the same moment!


clarity concerning who you intend to be in your new reality is one of the prime keys in building your light body!


we highly suggest that you begin being who and what you truly are! this is the great secret of your ascension!


your light body knows that it creates through thought, and links you to the fabric of creation!


as you approach the 5d event horizo​​n your manifestation powers increase in power by 1000 times!


at this stage you will be close to bringing almost anything you can imagine into your world simply by focusing on it! this is your creator-god power!


yes this new light body is a divinely powered bio-computer-ship that has no limitations and can perform super-human feats!


through your light body, time-lines open, accessing multi-layered experiences and your challenges gather force as you face a seemingly uncharted, yet familiar territory!


you're close to the point now where you will be connected to all of existence and your evolutionary leap is to make sense of this new awareness and put it to use in your now! it is time to be the god-being that you are while walking among humans on earth!


rest assured, dear friends, that a higher order and purpose exists and all of this is about to unfold right before your eyes! your wildest dreams are about to come true loved ones!


your task now is to translate your purpose into your body and onto earth!


this purpose activates a re-ordering on many layers of existence - all sharing the same now!


dear ones, it is essential that you begin taking a deeper look at your vehicle- your physical body!


get to know your body and see what great miracles it can perform!


you are no less than a god with un-believable power, walking the earth in a human body!


begin now to love your body like never before and give it the nurturing it needs to be optimal during this great ascension time!


your light body holds the essence of your multi-dimensional identity, which is accessible to you through your desire to unite with the greater identity you sense!


your light body will be able to juggle realities through the shifting of your conscious intent from one view to another, like turning the channels of a television!


as you know crystals work like electronic devices that receive, store, transmit and amplify encoded data!


in atlantean times we setup and operated 12, 50-foot-tall 'andara' rainbow-colored crystals as the most powerful quantum computers ever known!


your new crystal-cell-dna light body operates the same way!


your merkaba-ship-body translates information from other worlds and realities through your physical vessel to you!


your task is to notice the subtleties and synchronicities that signal you to understand yourself on a deeper level! be aware that your body is both a transmitter and receiver station that bridges worlds and you are at the controls of this magnificent bio-crystal-ship.


great ones, open up now to the super light wave that is coming in and allow it to be fully integrated into your body at the cellular level!


thank you for coming to earth at this time and doing the great work here to assist all humanity!


your efforts have been noticed and will be greatly rewarded!


know that your beloved star family is here with you now working from sky to the ground to finalize the evolution of humanity!


standby as we move towards the 3/21 super stargate!


please let us know what ascension symptoms and life experiences you are having in the comments below!

祝成功    god-speed

翻譯:Nick Chan    https://www.facebook.com/MICAHLIGHTANGEL/posts/2174562209459721

