2019年2月11日 星期一



今天,我很高興被任命,或者說,志願前來給予你這個能量 / 揚升的更新。

I have happily nominated, or, volunteered myself to give you all with this energy/ascension update today.

伴隨著巨大的喜悅,我前來向你透露, 2 月份會是一個擁有大量運動的月份。你們每個人會更加快速地沿著獨特的揚昇道路前行,特別為你準備的。大門會開啟,道路會揭示,清晰的,很容易獲取 --- 因為我們需要我們的光之工作者去開始出現在前線;作為領袖,而不是跟隨者。

It is with great joy for me to reveal to you that February will be a month of massive movements. Each and every one of you will be moving, more rapidly, down the unique ascension path that has been especially prepared for you. Doors will be opened, paths revealed, clarity readily provided – as we need our light-workers to start positioning themselves at the front lines; as leaders and not as followers.


Please do not misunderstand this by thinking that you no longer need the support of your fellow light-workers, or, that it is time to 'walk the path' alone. That is not what we are saying here. Staying in the company of like -minded souls strengthens your path, resolution, motivation and of course, it is also fun to do!


Just how people gather together within groups to 'talk shop', eg doctors with other fellow doctors, writers with other writers, artists with other artists, etc., you staying together with fellow travelers will help you, especially during the times when the going gets tough. The saying 'a problem shared is a problem halved' is very true, in many ways. Sometimes you just simply need a listening ear, or two, from people who can deeply understand the things you are going through.

2019 會是比起以往我們更加需要你的一年,親愛的一們。

2019 will be the year when we need you more than ever, loved ones.

我們需要你的光;我們需要你的勇氣;你的意願和準備程度去步入你生來就要去拾起的角色。你們所有人都保持著獨特的揚升“光之代碼”。揚升的“鑰匙”會激活不同的通往創造的門戶 / 大門。

We need your Light; we need your courage; your willingness and readiness to step up into the roles that you were born to do.All of you are holding unique Ascension 'Codes of Light'. Ascension 'Keys' that will activate different doors/ portals to Creation.

不同的人會被不同的光之工作者“觸發”或“激活” --- 出於你和他們所經歷的相似的過去生活 / 當前生世的挑戰。因此,你會處於特定的地方來幫助這些人,出於你所學會的 / 體驗的。會向你請求協助的人,會是那些知道(本能地,在更高的層面)你是能幫助他們前進的最佳人選。

Different people will be 'triggered' or 'activated' by different light-workers – due to the similarities of past lives/current life's challenges that they, and you, had gone through. And thus, you will be uniquely situated to help these people because of what you had learnt/experienced. The people who will come to you for assistance, will be those who know (instinctively, on a higher level) that you are the best person to help them move forward.

你們現在就完美地散播在世界各地,你的所在就是你注定要處於的地方,在這個當下時刻。你們每個人保持著不同的神之頻率;擁有無法被任何光之工作者或存在復制的頻率信號。你們每個人就像 DNA 一樣特殊,因此,你對世界和整體揚升進程的貢獻也是獨一無二的、至關重要的。

You are all perfectly stationed around the world right now, wherever you are is exactly where you are meant to be, in this NOW moment in time. Each one of you holds different frequencies of God; signature frequencies that cannot be duplicated by any other light -worker, or any other living being. You are each as unique as your DNA, and as such, your contributions to the world and to the entire Ascension process, will be equally as unique. Equally as important & crucial to the whole.

父神和母神正在繪畫一副宏偉的、巨大的、美麗的、驚人的畫,標題為“人間天堂 ”。現在,想像這幅畫分裂成許多不同的碎片。碎片的數量和當前物理體現的光之工作者數量一致。

Father Mother God is in the middle of drawing a grand, massive-sized, beautiful, amazing painting titled: 'Heaven on Earth'. And now, imagine this painting split into many different pieces. The number of pieces will be an exact match to the number of light-workers currently physically embodied on-planet.


Each one of you here is a super precious, important, and extremely valuable ‘jigsaw puzzle piece’ of this painting.

知曉你是多麼地珍貴,請開始認識到你帶給世界的價值。你甚至不需要去特別地“做什麼”以便對整體揚升進程做出貢獻。進程是自動的。當你的光熵足夠高--- 來自你四個身體(肉身、情緒、精神& 以太,伴隨著更高的自我)的高度整合--- 這時你就會被呼喚去進入更大的服務。一個你們大多數人一直被呼喚去做的服務,潛意識地,尤其在過去的 12 個月裡。

Knowing how precious you are, please start to recognize the value that you bring into the world. You don't even have to specifically 'do something' to be contributing to the whole ascension process. The process is automatic. When your overall LQL ( Light Quotient Level) is at a high enough level – coming from a high level of integration of your four bodies: physical, emotional, mental & etheric, with Higher Self – this is when you will be called into greater service. A service like what most of you have been called to do, subconsciously, especially in the last 12 months.


This service to the Light that you have been doing includes the following, but not exclusively just this: your Higher Self has been 'using' your physical body as a powerful receiver and transmitter of the Purest, Highest Frequencies of Light. Christ Consciousness Energies. Mahatma Energies. Omega Light Energies. Pure Source Energies the scale that I (your Mother Earth) and you have never experienced before.

你的物理身體可以被比作一個巨大的、強大的圓盤式衛星天線;或更精確地說,水晶做的能量接收器 / 發射器。是的,這意味著你的身體是一個活生生的、振動著的最高品質的水晶接收器和發射器。

Your physical bodies can be compared to a huge, powerful satellite dish; or more accurately, to a crystal-based energy transmitter/receiver. Yes, this means that your body is a living, breathing, vibrating crystalline transmitter and receiver of the highest degree .

一個精神覺醒的人,非常接近完全與更高自我的整合,就是作為“圓盤式的衛星天線”在最高、最強大的功率中運作。這個人 --- 就像水中的一塊海綿 ---“ 吸收”這些更高維度的能量到他的四個身體系統中。保留一些能量讓自己轉變成 5D 的光之存在,然後分配 / 散播剩下的能量,給我(地球母親)以及所有人類。這是自動完成的,每時每刻,一旦你達到所需的光熵。

A spiritually awakened person who is very close to full integration with Higher Self, is operating as this 'satellite dish' at the highest, most powerful capacity. This person – like a sponge dipped in water – 'absorbs' these higher-dimensional energies into his four-body-system; keeps some of the energies for his own individual transformation into a 5D Light Being, and then proceeds to distribute/disperse the remainder, for myself (Mother Earth) and for all members of the Human Collective. This is automatically done, every single second of every single day, ever since you have reached the required LQL.

如果你想知道為什麼我要和你,我的孩子,分享這個信息,原因很簡單。隨著你們在座的所有人平均光熵到達 70% 以及更多,你就會被呼喚去進入更大的服務。如果你想知道怎麼做,親愛的,這也很簡單。

If you are wondering why I am sharing all this information with you, my children, the reason is quite simple. As the average LQL of all of you here, have reached 70% and above, you will be called into greater service now, more than ever. And if you are wondering how, dear one, it is also quite simple.


Simply take the time to tune in every morning, before you begin your day, to your Higher Self and to Me, and simply ask us this question:


'How may I be of service for us all today?' Here, the word 'us' refers to yourself, to myself Gaia, and to all within the Kingdom of God, especially those currently on Earth. And we will give you the answers to that question with something that only you can do for us that day. And that something will be unique; it will be related to your soul's purpose, mission and contribution to the creation of new Earth.


Now let’s go back to the topic at hand.

在 2 月份,你會處於正在建立的勢頭之中。每個時刻你都在重新創造;每一天我們都會發送給你完美的靈感和指引來幫助你,幫助我們,創造新地球,在完美符合你固有能力的方式中。

In February you will all be in the middle of building momentum. Every moment you are creating anew; every day we will be sending you the perfect inspiration and guidance to help you, help us, create new Earth in a way that is perfectly suited to your innate abilities.

對於你們那些對能量很敏感的人,請留意 2 月份會是新事物的開始。我們在上個月底已經通過了一個標誌。

For those of you who are energetically sensitive, please be aware that February will be the beginning of The New. We have all passed a marker, at the end of last month.


Your sensitivity will remain the same for some of you, whilst for others, it will be on the rise. And this is all happening by design. The spiritual gifts that some of you have been praying for, will soon be activated.


Spiritual gifts such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, these and many more, are on their way to you right now, as we speak.

現在,關於揚升症狀(身體上的),你們大多數人不會像上個月那樣受到嚴重的影響。事物在好轉,親愛的一們。揚昇在變得容易,關於你所吸收的更高能量如何影響你的身體 --- 你精神的物理器具。

And now in terms of Ascension physical symptoms, most of you here will not be as heavily affected as you had been last month. Things are getting better, loved ones. Ascension is getting easier in terms of how the higher energies you have been absorbing, are actually affecting your bodies – the physical vessels of your spirit.


This is now the time for all of you to expand; it is time for all of you to embrace your creativity and actually start creating.

顯然,是讓你能夠開始去創造的時間,你需要能夠每天都伴隨著高強度的輕盈與優雅運行。依舊會有一些日子,比如,接近新月 / 滿月的時候,你可能會感到有點不舒服,無論如何,它不會像過去的 6 到 7 個月在身體上或者情感上那般苛刻 / 消耗人。

And obviously, for you to be able to start creating, you need to be able to daily function with a high degree of ease and grace. There may still be days, for example closer to the new moon/full moon cycles, when you may be feeling slightly under the weather, however it will not be as physically or emotionally, as demanding/consuming like what had regularly occurred in the last 6 to 7 months.

是時候去慶祝了,親愛的一們。是時候去開始和我、你的更高自我、精神團隊、父神、母神一起共同創造了,去帶來你想要生活的那種世界--- 你想要自己的孩子生活的那種世界。

It is time for you to celebrate loved ones. It is time for you to start your co-creation process with me; with your Higher Self and spirit team; with Father Mother God, to bring about the kind of world that you want to be living in – the kind of world that you want your children to live in.

一切皆有可能    Anything Is Possible.


You are an unlimited being with unlimited powers.


It is time for you to start discovering what those powers are.


It is time for you to go beyond your normal boundaries, to test your limits, and stretch your wings. You are no longer 5th dimensional newborns. In fact you are no longer 5th dimensional teenagers.

你現在的所在可以比作一個青少年到達 21 歲;一個剛剛拿到第一把車鑰匙的青年人。收到父母送給他的成人禮的青年人。汽車代表著他在生活中發現的新自由。

Where you are right now can perhaps be compared to a young adult turning 21; a young adult who has just received the keys to his first car. The young adult who received this birthday gift from his parents to celebrate his adulthood. The car represents his new found freedom in life.


The freedom to do as he pleases with life; the freedom to go wherever he wants to go; the freedom to decide how fast or, how slow, he wants to get to his destination. This freedom is essentially the freedom to create what he wants to create with his life. The freedom to do what he wants to do for a living; the freedom to look after his own finances, and the freedom to have what he wants when he wants it. Without strict parental controls continuously limiting his choices in life.


And this is exactly what is happening to you as well, my beloved.

你已經學會你在地球上的許多生世注定要學習的一切,親愛的老靈魂,你已經成功療愈、釋放和清理許多不和諧的記憶 / 體驗(儲存在你 DNA 巨大的倉庫中的)。對你更高自我的真正本質來說的不和諧。

You have learnt everything that you are meant to learn with your many lifetimes here on planet Earth, dear Old Soul, and you have successfully healed, released and purged many discordant memories/experiences stored in the gigantic warehouse of your DNA. Discordant to your Higher Self's True Nature.


If we were to compare your clearing and purging process to the removal of the many different layers of an onion, then most of you here have reached the inner core of your onion.


And that inner core is where your Higher Self can be found. This is the powerful aspect of your Self that is God-like in nature.

現在,你被給予了汽車的鑰匙,也就是,通往無限制自由的鑰匙,是時候去伴隨著你想要前往的坐標設置你的 GPS。

Now that you have been given the keys to your car, i.e. to Unlimited Freedom, it is time for you to set your GPS with the coordinates of where you wish to go from now on.

選擇是無限的。對於你們開過車的人,當你按下“開始”,你會看到車上的 GPS 會自動創造一條通往你目的地的道路。當你跟隨那個路線,你絲毫不會懷疑你是否能到達目的地,通過跟隨 GPS 口頭上的指引。

The options are endless. For those of you who have ever driven a car with the GPS on, whenever you press 'start', you will see that your car's GPS will automatically create a route to take you to your destination. And when you follow that route, there is not a single doubt in your mind that you will reach your destination by following the mostly-verbal instructions coming from the GPS of your car.

在差不多的方式中,親愛的,你需要開始相信你的更高自我,你的心,你的精神團隊,絕對性地。而沒有任何的恐懼或懷疑干擾你的創造和顯化進程。相信我們,就像你相信車上的 GPS 。你越經常這麼做;你越多地練習去這麼做,你會越擅長。

And in much the same way my beloved, you need to start trusting your higher self, your heart, your spirit team, absolutely. Without any fear or doubt interfering in the process of your creation and manifestation. Trust us, like you would, the GPS of your own car. The more often you do this; the more practice you do, the better you get at doing this.

你的擴張和成長會以指數地增長,尤其在接下來的6 個月裡,因此在今年年底,當你回顧2019 年所發生的事,你會充滿大量的喜悅、敬畏、神奇並感恩發生的一切。

Your expansion and growth will move along at an exponential rate, especially within the next six months, so much so that by the end of the year when you look back to what has been happening in 2019, you will be filled with so much joy, awe, wonder and gratitude for everything that has come to pass.


This is our promise to you loved ones. However we do need your cooperation; your collaboration in order for us to help you, to turn your life around.


Do not spend a second more staying in the vibrations of fear, no matter what is happening around you. Simply focus, always, on where you wish to go, and have the mindset that you will not fail to get there.

就像 GPS 不會指錯方向,當你恆常與你的感受、更高自我、神協調一致,通往你目的地的路線 / 道路會在完美的時機被不斷揭示。當你為下一個車道、街道、道路、高速公路做好準備。

Just like the GPS in your car will not fail to guide your way, whenever you are constantly in tune with with your feelings, with your Higher Self, with God, then the route/way/path to get to your destination will constantly be revealed just at the perfect timing. Always when you are ready for the next lane, the next street, the next road, the next express freeway.


We love you so much, beloved friends. All of us here in the company of Heaven, we thank you for your service to me, Gaia, and to the Human Collective. And we wish to do everything we can, to help you achieve what you want to achieve.


Trusting us, and trusting your Higher Self, also means: to trust your heart, your feelings, your intuition a lot more than what you have been doing so far. Start listening more to the guidance coming from Within.

你所有問題的答案;你所有當前面對的困境 / 挑戰的答案,都在你之內。

The answers to all of your questions; to all of your problems; to all your dilemmas/challenges that you are currently facing in life, are all within you.


And the moment you realize that, is the moment when you have become full partners in this Divine Act of Co-Creation.

God is creating Itself anew, through you, and this is exactly how it is meant to be.


Once again we would like to remind you that, you are God and God is you.


The moment you understand and fully believe in the meaning of that statement, without doubts, fears or feelings of unworthiness interfering in this co-creative process, is the moment when you will finally discover how easy it is to create and manifest everything that you hold dear.


It will be the moment, you will know yourself, experientially, As God.


Love is truly the only thing that matters. It is the driving engine of Creation.


Feel yourself up with so much love; imagine your car is filled up with love as its only fuel.

當你讓車子充滿神聖之愛的能量,作為汽油,事實上你就是讓你的車子(你的生活)充滿了無比強大的驅動力;能夠推動你到達難以想像的高度。當你的車子用光了能量 / 燃料,你所需要做的就是充能;做一些保養,與 GPS (你的心)中明亮閃耀的愛之火焰重新連接。當你意圖去經常這麼做,你將能夠讓你的車子 / 生活在更快的速度中前進,因為它會處於和創造性的源頭能量恆常的對齊。

When you fill up your car with Divine Love energies as its gasoline, you are in fact filling up your car (your life) with THE most powerful driving force; able to propel you into unimaginable heights. Whenever your car runs out of energy/fuel , all you have to do is recharge; do a little TLC, and reconnect with the Bright Flame of Love shining within the inner GPS that is your heart. And when you set the intention to do this often, you will be able to get your car/life to move at greater speed as it will always be in constant alignment with the creative energies of Source.

一路上的每一步我們都和你在一起,隨著你作為五維的成年人出門探險,現在你已準備好成為我們的 5D 領袖;創造一個新的時代。

We are here with you every step of the way, as you venture out into the world as a fifth dimensional adult who are now ready to be our 5D leaders; creating a new generation.

一個超人的時代,不再像 3D 人類那樣行為

A generation of super-humans who will no longer behave the way a 3D human behaves.


As you break out of your self-imposed third dimensional prison that you have been living in for so long, you will find that the world out there, outside of that prison, is wondrous beyond your current imaginations.

你是我們的先驅,我們 3D 規則的打破者。你處於改變的前沿。

You are our pioneers, our 3D Rule-Breakers. You are at the front lines of change.


You are those who are bringing, creating and easily riding the Winds of Change.


Staying completely unafraid; unwavering in your faith. Trust that the winds of change will carry you to magnificent places filled with everything that you have ever wanted in life. Never fear change, my beloved. Change is the only constant in life.


Change is the name of God. Change is God, and God is change. And since God is in a constant state of expansion, always creating Itself anew, then Its name is synonymous with Change.

你只需花費更多的時間出門去;呼吸新鮮空氣;與大自然連接 --- 樹木,花朵和周圍的動物 --- 讓你能夠輕鬆地與你內在的更高自我重新連接。你越經常去這麼做,你的生活會變得更好。

You only need to spend more time outdoors; breathing in fresh air; connecting with Nature – with the trees, flowers and the animals around you – for you to easily reconnect with your Inner, Higher Self. The more often you do this, the better your life gets.


We hope that this message has served to help you in an empowering way; to encourage and reassure you, that all is well.


Things will continue to be well this month and in the many months ahead.


Yes, change is definitely in the air, but it is the type of change of your own choosing; one that will tr​​uly be for your higher good and the higher good of ALL.


Call upon me whenever you need my assistance, whenever you are perhaps feeling out of balance. Dizzy, perhaps even fearful with the many changes happening to you and to all around you.


I will hold you tight in my arms and infuse you with the energies of unconditional love, calm and peace; giving you the assurances you need and the tidings of all good things to come.

我們無可估量地愛著你     We are loving you beyond measure.

你的地球母親     Your Mother Earth

通靈:Adele Arini       翻譯:Nick Chan

