2019年2月10日 星期日



Most of you understand the value of trust when you are in an ebb phase. But trust is equally important when you are in accelerated forward movement. Trust is the element that allows you to move with, and harness the full potential, of each phase. Many of you will be experiencing breakthroughs this year. Having a well developed ability to trust in yourself, your guides, your soul’s agenda, and a universe that adores you, will allow you to navigate those breakthroughs with the utmost grace and ease, wonder and joy. We cannot stress enough that it is trust that opens you up to the highest outcomes that can continue to grow and expand. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Your ego self wants everything to stay the same so it can feel in control. Forward movement and expansion is what your soul craves. This disconnect is what often creates discomfort. Think of your soul self as the loving guide and parent of your ego self, making the highest decisions for the entirety of you, knowing that with your care and guidance the ego will always settle into its new reality. When you are tending to all aspects of self you will find it much easier to surrender into the forward movement you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

