2019年2月15日 星期五

大天使麥克 20190203 舊世界正在崩潰


Greetings dear ones! I AM Mi-ka-el! Archangel of Love and Truth, Warrior of the Peace, your protector, your family, and your friend.


I come to you today, as every day, to assure you that you are doing magnificently well, that you are anchoring light in places and areas on Earth that have not seen the light in eons. For these missions that you have courageously taken upon yourselves , you are loved beyond measure. It is true that you are clearing your deepest fears, and removing falsehoods and core issues for yourselves, and for the entire human collective.

你背負如此多的東西令人欽佩,在清理的進程中,你在讓你的靈魂和地球家人更容易、更快速地清理他們的負擔,這樣我們可以前進,建立新的人間天堂 ---新星地球---每個人都可以生活在和平中,優雅地學習,同時快樂地玩耍、起舞和歌唱。

It is admirable that you are taking so much on yourselves, and in the process of clearing, you are making it easier for your soul and earth families to clear their burdens faster, so that we can move on into building this new paradise on Earth – Nova Earth – where every human being can live in peace, learning gracefully, while playing, dancing, and singing in joy.


Yes, it doesn't seem that we are approaching these times, quite the contrary when you see and hear the news in the mainstream media. But when I say to thee that the love and light have won, you must heed my words, you must believe, and rejoice!


Beloved ones, take these words into your hearts and feel the truth. The old world is crumbling away, and the process of demolition of the old structures is almost done! The gravel and the dirt needs to be removed and cleansed, but this is not your job any longer! Your work is to go even deeper, to anchor firmly the light, the pillars of love, going into deepest places on Earth so that the New World will be sturdy, strong and long-lasting.


This process of excavating requires going down, and very deeply, into places that have nothing to do with your personal baggage and history. So, do not allow yourselves to be disturbed by what you find because that just lowers your strength and stamina by doubting or judging your dear selves.


Your beloved sister, Gaia, has buried much pain and suffering for the collective, and she has waited for you to forge and weave these paths of light through her body, so the removal of the old pains will proceed gently, without much of the violent natural disasters that had to occur previously in order to keep her afloat.


Let go of the worries and doubts regarding keeping yourselves on the straight course, for we are with you in every step of the way, guiding and gently directing you on your paths according to your divine plan and to Mother’s Dream.


You are loved and cherished always! Farewell, for now, dear hearts!

通靈:Genoveva Coyle      翻譯:Nick Chan

