2016年3月31日 星期四



Dear Ones, in fast moving energies it is important to consciously choose to align in whatever way feels best to you on a daily basis. This way you will be cooperatively moving with the energies. Your willingness to accept, receive, integrate, transmute, and release will allow you to shift in more comfortable increments and minimize your ascension symptoms.


What do we mean by align? Anything that helps you still and feel your connection to Source. Prayer, meditation, walking in nature, sea salt baths, or simply sitting in quiet connection, all are activities that will help immensely. It is far easier to move a little bit at a time than to play energetic catch up.

伴隨著你指引和助手的協助會更加愉快地轉變,他們總是響應著你簡單的請求。與精神的交流會展示你渴望作為一個團隊工作,建立地球和天堂的能量橋樑,喜悅地參與你神聖的進化。~ 大天使加百利

It is also much more pleasant to shift with the assistance of your guides and helpers, who are always available to you in response to your simple request. That act of communing with spirit is showing your desire to work as a team, to bridge the energies between heaven and earth, and to joyfully participate in your divine evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wfq0.html

