2016年3月4日 星期五



There is a calm that comes from accepting that the universe is always conspiring to help you. Your faith and trust allow you to finally move out of doubt and worry, into a willingness to be led. Faith and trust, along with acceptance and allowing, work together to build the foundation of balance, patience and peace, which great and glorious change can be built upon. So trust, Dear Ones, with your whole hearts and highest intentions and let the unconditional love of Source, which is the flow, lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wdhv.html


Have you ever seen what happens to a windup toy when it hits a wall? It ​​will keep bumping up against the wall, over and over again, until it runs out of energy.


Don't keep pushing against obstacles you encounter – flow around them! If you hit a wall, it does not mean you are bad, or doing things wrong, or that the world is out to get you. Far from it! It is the universe saying, “Dear One, that is not the way for you.”


Know that you are being lovingly guided, always being directed to your next great result. Your soul is seeking that path of least resistance. Isn't it time to give up struggle and embrace surrender, instead? Not only is it the most comfortable way of doing things, it is, by far, the most efficient means of navigation available to you. ~Archangel Gabriel


