2016年3月29日 星期二

巴巴吉 20160321 加強自我觀察


Dream: I am in the Café, where I worked for several years as a waiter. A group of young human Beings, students, occupy the special room there, a room, where festivities or meetings take place. The television blasts out and the students are not at all aware of their wanton behavior. Again and again they give me smart-aleck answers and look arrogantly. I consult with the boss about what to do. (End of dream)

親愛的一們    Beloved Ones,


This dream picture refers to the “ elephants in the china shop ” among you. This means that those human Beings are mentioned, who have so far neglected their energetic work at the base. And at the base means that fundamentally false behavior patterns, fears and belief patterns have not been corrected. It refers to human Beings, who maintain the veneer of a purified entity without being one.


The „ student “ in the dream points to “ higher intelligence ” , because one can in principle expect a different behavior from a student.


The students in the dream are insecure and therefore appear arrogantly on the outside. A lack of self-consciousness is disguised here. A student often feels superior to the “ non studied ones ” and this even though they have not achieved anything so far. This dream picture emphasizes the arrogant and self-important appearance and it is valuable to capture the essence of this message.


The students in the dream represent those light entities on the spiritual path, which self-importantly pretend insights without having obtained these. And those are meant, who thereby compensate for their deficiencies, whereby they recklessly suck off energy wherever they can without eing aware of it.


What does an elephant say after he has knocked over everything? Why is there so little room here?! he possibility that he may be at the wrong place does not enter his mind. And the human Beings, addressed here, also behave in such an awkward manner.Those are meant, who very much like to pass on the reasons for their own misbehavior to others or the next best. Go inside, and examine which of these things applyto you and foremost, begin even more intensely to shine nside. Time is getting short.


When the world carries out the last great step into the new time, you must be in the position energetically to provide sufficient energy for yourself.
For that you must be directly bound to God. This is the key, which the students on the spiritual path need to acquire now.


Open yourself for the truth in you.Call me, I stand by you, I have come into this world because of you.The world rises and you with it.And the genuine observation of what is, is the requisite for it.

我是巴巴吉    I am BABAJI


通靈:Jahn J Kassl     翻譯:Nick Chan

