2016年3月31日 星期四

巴巴吉 20160328 呼吸,生活,愛


In these days human Beings and peoples are confronted with the results of their actions! The truth is unveiled to you on all levels.


Look at it, everywhere you face yourself, everywhere you can recognize your mirror image, everywhere appears what so far existed in concealment.


Recognize your responsibility and distance yourself from the dark history of this earth. Begin to release from your own dark past. Begin with the great redemption of your being, because the great purification of Mother Earth is ongoing.


The great purification means: Inside as well as outside everything is rearranged! Inside as well as outside everything is created new! Inside as well as outside become one!

新意識讓你能夠清晰地思考,培養純淨的感知,開始真誠地行動。一切重新安排。地球母親和人類在同一個迸發中重生,從同一個源頭,出於同一個力量,也就是--- 神!

The new consciousness makes it possible for you to think clearly, to foster pure sensations, and to set genuine actions. Everything rearranges. Mother Earth and human Beings are reborn in one gush, from one Source, due to one power, which is – GOD .


Begin to appear as light-filled entities, and forbid dark energies the presence in your environment. Begin to appear as the creator of your life, and attract everything into your life that you need for your assignments. Begin to convey to human Beings the nature of rebirth,whereby you convey the triumph over your own lower nature due to your example.

呼吸,生活,愛--- 作為神在這個創造中的形象!

Breathe, live, love – as God ' s image in this Creation. Begin.

我是巴巴吉    I am BABAJI


通靈:Jahn J Kassl    翻譯:Nick Chan

