2016年3月19日 星期六

聖哲曼 20160317 即刻的煉金術

意到了她,避免了一次碰撞。一小時後我非常笨拙地滑入桑拿浴,弄傷了我的小腳趾... 在兩個情況中,我謝天謝地沒有別的事情發生。(報告結束)

Report: While parking my motor scooter I overlook a female bicyclist, at the last instant I notice it and a collision are avoided.
An hour later I very clumsily slip in the sauna and thereby bruise my small toe … . in both cases I am thankful that nothing more has happened. (End of report)

關注和保護    Attentiveness and Protection


Is the issue in this report and has been called to your attention due to these situations. Attentiveness in all things, with each chore. Automated processes shall be subjected to observation and so-called “ small things ” shall be moved into consciousness (small toe ,rem. JJK). Why? Because the schooling of the human spirit is only then completed as a human Being is fully conscious in each moment. And this means to exercise attentiveness in each moment.

關注為真理敞開人類的心    Attentiveness opens the human heart for the truth.


At this point attentiveness may not be confused with concentration. Concentration means the exclusive focusing on a few things and situations. “ Exclusive ” means, because during this focusing the whole picture is blinded out and must be excluded; human Beings close themselves. Attentiveness on the other hand means to open to the whole and to see what is. While concentration closes your Being, it is opened due to attentiveness. The nature of attentiveness therefore distinguishes itself fundamentally from concentration. Thus remain attentive, because the upheavals come over night and suddenly. And in the attitude of attentiveness the spirit remains collected and you can always appear with self-determination and you can react to the events.


It is true that an attentive spirit may be astonished, but can never be surprised.

從現在起審視你的演講,每天被給予你的。這些是為X 日持續的準備。你有意地朝向它,你的意識精細地協調到它。

From now on view your lectures, which are given to you now day-by-day, hour-by-our, in this light. These are continuing preparations for the day X. You are purposefully oriented toward it and your consciousness is finely tuned to it.


Trust in the alchemy of the instant and act due to your all-unveiling divine presence.

我在你們之中    I am amongst you.



通靈:Jahn J Kassl    翻譯:Nick Chan

