2016年3月1日 星期二



Many of you have vivid dreams that you would like to interpret. Did you know that you can simply enter into meditation and ask your guides, angels or masters to show you what the dream was trying to bring into your awareness? This is an excellent method to discern the exact meaning specific to you. You may hear what you need to know, you may see the meaning play out, you may feel or simply have a sense of knowingness, or you may receive the answer you seek later in the day, but the answers will always come. It is yet another way your guides and helpers are available to serve and support you. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wd4r.html


Acceptance is the most powerful tool you have to move beyond judgment and resistance. It is the divine calm that allows you to be fully present in the magic of the Now. It is the foundation of patience, of peace, and of unconditional love. It is demonstrating your complete faith and trust in the universe, in your guides, and in your own highest self to deliver exactly what you need. More than that, through its gift of balance and presence, it allows you to become a safe person for others, an energetic anchor in the storm. It is a great gift! We encourage you to embrace this element as a vital resource for your day to day comfort and satisfaction as you learn to navigate your life expressions in a far more empowered way. ~Archangel Gabriel

