2015年10月13日 星期二


親愛的朋友們,現在請與我一起,正如“我之臨在”與你們一同。請與我一起呼吸,以最有效的方式把你的覺知帶給自己,也帶給我。注意,我陪伴著你。盡量深長緩慢的呼吸,感受我就出現在你的身邊。你們如此多的人感到疲憊,你們中如此多的人因為許多的治療者,先知和荷光者呈現給你的“衝突”感到厭倦,你們中如此多的人被大量的信息,那些告訴你最好吃什麼,什麼才是最好的健康方法,什麼才是獲得豐盛的最好方式,怎樣才是幸福的最好辦法,你們被這些壓倒了。 親愛的朋友們,不存在對或是錯的答案。你們所有人都處在符合你步調的自我層次,那些對你來說是正確的,對下一個人卻並非如此。你們所有人都在朝向同樣的“家園”--你的心,以各種不同的方式。接受這個事實有兩個主要方面,它能夠減輕你旅程中的巨大壓力。

 Greetings Dear Ones, it is I, Lord Emanuel at yourservice again this day. Dear Ones, be with me now as I AM with you.Breathe with me, the most efficient way to bring your awareness toYou and therefore to me . Notice, I AM with you. Take as long as ittakes to slow down enough to actually feel my presence with you. Somany of you are weary, so many of you are jaded by the conflicting'Ways' that are presented to you by so many healers, prophets andLight bearers, so many of you are overwhelmed by the wealth ofinformation telling you the best way to eat, the best way tohealth, the best way to be abundant, the best way tohappiness. Dear Ones, there is no right or wrong answer. You are allindividuals at your own level with your own pace and what is rightfor you is unlikely to be right for the person next to you. You areall heading home to the same place, to your heart, in differentways. Accepting this Truth has two main facets to it that canrelieve you enormously on your journey.

首先,要明白你們都是單獨的個體處在自身的旅程和道路上,符合你的獨一無二,幫助你懂得--只有你自己能夠決定哪些是為你而設。在每日的基礎上事物呈現給你所有的面向,所有的選擇,從簡單的,該吃什麼,該穿什麼都變得複雜,我職業生涯的下一步和工作路徑要怎麼做,一整天你都在面對一個接著一個的選擇,不論它們是大或是小,選擇的所有面向都向你呈現,因為這同樣的最終原因---給予你無窮的機會去選擇哪些是與你共鳴的。言外之意,哪些對你才是真實的,也可以說什麼對你來說才是最好的選擇。只有你能夠明白這點,只有你能夠從你自身存在的“靜寂”中懂得它。 親愛的朋友們,這需要你慢下來,靜靜的站著並讓生活流經你,而不是去追逐生活。最終這些恆久不斷的選擇之流所訓練你的是,學會以你的“心”,以你的“感受”去選擇,哪些在你的身上感到美好。從選擇的所有面向,你把這件特別的衣服穿在身上,從你放入口中的食物到職業生涯,當你停下並時間充分的去感受,你將做出和你最高潛能和諧一致的選擇。

Firstly, to know that you are an individual whose journeyand Path are completely unique to you helps you understand thatonly you can decide what is for you. All manner of things arepresented to you on a daily basis, all manner of choices, from thesimple, what to eat and what to wear to the complicated, what is mynext step on my career and work path, all day you face choice afterchoice and each one, no matter if they are seemingly big orseemingly small, all manner of choices are presented to you to forultimately the same reason, to give you endless opportunities tochoose what resonates with you. In other words, what is true foryou, in other words what is for you, what is the best choice foryou. Only you can know this and only you can know this from thestillness of your Being. Dear Ones, this takes a slowing down, standing still andletting life come to you rather than chasing after life. Ultimatelythe constant stream of choices is training for you to learn tochoose with your heart, with your feelings, with what feels good inyour body. All manner of choices, from the very clothes you put onyour back to the food you put in your mouth to the career move youwill make are taken in alignment with your highest potential whenyou stop long enough to feel. 

親愛的朋友們,一旦你對此調整好你就會注意到生活變得非常的平靜,比你過去所習慣的更為安靜,生活將停止向你投擲選擇的所有面向,或是事物將是如何看似由你的心掌控著你的生命,你的選擇顯得像是減少了,因為每件你所選擇的事情變得如此明顯,所有一切都變得,以你們的說法是“不需要花費腦力”,因為你發現自己處在了許多導師都提到過的“生命的流動裡”。無需費力的流動朝向了你所是的全部。 第二個最為強大且有幫助的方面是---你接納自己是一個處在自身旅程中的單獨個體,而且你知道自己不可能錯誤理解它。你們中如此多的人,其寶貴的心靈是如此的純潔希望著幫助別人,如此美麗的心願--去協助你們摯愛的人與你一同行走這條道路,如此你可能會在某個時候錯誤的認為那些對你有效的,必然也會對他們有效。你們中如此多的人都如此的看待你們所愛的人,當你需做出這些選擇,它引領著你獲得了滿足和快樂而讓你變得非常的興奮,便試圖“說服”你周圍的人認真聽取你必須說的話,去做你認為對他們來說最好的事情。

Dear Ones, once you become adept at this you will noticethat life will get very quiet, so much quieter than you are usedto, life will stop throwing at you all manner of choices, or thatis how it will seem as your heart takes charge of your life yourchoices seem to diminish as everything that you choose becomesobvious, all will become a 'no-brainer' as you say, as you findyourself in the flow of life that many teachers speak of.Effortless flow toward All That You Are. The second most powerful and helpful result of acceptingthat you are an individual on your own journey is that you knowthat you can't get it wrong FOR YOU. And so many of your PreciousHearts are so innocently wanting help others, so beautifullywishing to assist your loved ones along the path with you that youcan sometimes be mistaken for thinking what worked for you willwork for them. Many of you are so intent on your loved ones feelingthe same way as you do when the choices you make lead you tofulfilment and happiness that you can become quite the zealot inattempting to 'convert' those around you to listen to what you haveto say and to do what you think is best for them. 

親愛的珍貴心靈們,我這麼說不是要給你更多的彈藥讓你擊打自己,請不要,很明顯的是在這個問題上你們所有人都有著最為純潔的意圖。但是你必須明白那些對你有效的,並非就對你所愛的人有效,這更像是在此生的這一刻它並沒有存在於他們的道路中。他們會在自己的時間點醒來,以他們自己的步調,而你,必須信任“神”,所有一切都在那裡,必然會呈遞給你所摯愛的人他們需要學習,治療和成長的一切,當他們確實需要它的時候。僅僅放鬆的處於這份覺知中,並在你的心中發現---只是單純的去愛所有你珍愛的人,僅僅是讓他們做自己。即便是他們失業了,憤怒了,粗魯無禮,或是很明顯的處於自我鬥爭中,都只是單純的愛他們。這才是所有你需要去做的。處於愛他們的覺知中並不會降低你對他們的感情,反而是你在不斷提升自己。通過一次深沉的呼吸你明白“我愛你在心中,也包括你所有的遭遇,而非是試圖拖著他們來到你的地盤”這會在生命中所遭遇的所有局勢和境遇中帶給你輕鬆和舒適。 親愛的朋友們,此刻談到與教導的是---愛你自己的心是最先且最為重要的,超越一切其他,教導你把所有的焦點都放在這裡,而非是你外在的那些地方,那些在一開始看起來顯得粗俗無禮且需要幫助的人身上,此時的你是如此的習慣於服務他人,卻是以消耗自己為代價。但是親愛的朋友們,也許一開始會感覺如此,因為它對你來說是新鮮的,如此的不同。你們所有人都是如此的純淨和純真,你總是把其他人先於你自己去考慮,去糾正那些在一開始顯得錯誤的一切。

Dear Precious Hearts, I say this not to give you moreammunition with which to beat yourself up with, please, it isobvious to all that you have the most purest of intentions in thismatter. But you must see that what works for you is not necessarilygoing to work for your loved ones and it is more than likely thatis not their path in this life time. They will wake up in their owntime at their own pace and you must trust that God, All There Iswill deliver unto your loved ones what they need to learn and healand grow exactly when they need it. Just relax into this knowingand find it in your heart just to love all those dear to you justas they are. Even if they are shut down, angry, rude, or obviouslystruggling with themselves just Love them . That is all that isrequired of you. And in loving them you are not lowering yourvibration to match them but you are raising yours. By breathing asilent 'I Love you' into the hearts of all that you encounter,rather than trying to haul them up to where you are, will bring yourelief and comfort on all situations and encounters inlife. Dear Ones, when speaking of and teaching loving your ownheart first and foremost, above all else, teaching you to bring allof your focus here rather than to those outside of you who may bein need may seem at first harsh and insensitive when you are soused to serving others at the expense of yourself. But Dear Ones,it may feel like that at first because it is so new to you, sodifferent. You are all so pure and innocent that you always thinkof others before yourself and to do the opposite seems wrong atfirst. 

但是親愛的朋友們,那樣的時代已經結束,那樣的時刻是你等待著其他人醒來,如此你才能與他們一同閃耀,它已經結束。在你做出選擇,與你最高的良善完全一致之前不要只是等待其他人醒來,無關乎其他人正遭受的痛苦。親愛的朋友們,我並非是要求你們對其他人的痛苦視而不見,我並非是要讓你對世界上這些引發恐懼的事物封閉自己。我並非是在要求你對那些持續在你們可愛星球之上滋生的暴行充耳不聞。帶著我心中全部的愛我建議---不要讓他們的負面影響到你,而你穩穩的處於自我內在,哪些是在每日的行走中對你做出正確的選擇所必須的。如果你被請求去幫助那些世界中持續處於不公正且需要幫助的地區的人們時,那麼你會被請求去幫助,而你也會明白這對你來說是正確的,但如果你貿然的協助所有需要幫助的對象,卻是以損失你心靈為代價,那麼你就並未服務任何人。你的世界在你的心中,當你首先服務它的話,外在的世界也會改變(譯者:這不正是“境隨心轉,相由心生”老祖宗智慧的另一種解讀麼)這便是我對於你的承諾。我是主伊曼紐爾,我深愛著你。 我看到你們所走的每一步。你們每一位都是天使,在每個呼吸間閃現出點點光芒。在你寶貴的心中去擴展神之光,親愛的朋友,所經由的是--自由自在的去愛你的心。這麼做,你將成為一座永恆無限造物主之光的榮耀噴泉,它將轉變這顆甜美的地球。是的,我說的就是你。 我愛你造物主祝福著你寶貴的心靈。

But Dear Ones the time for that is over, the time forwaiting upon others to wake up with you so that you can shine withthem is over. Do not wait on others to wake up before you makechoices in alignment with YOUR highest good regardless of theseeming suffering of others. Dear Ones I am not asking you to closeyour hearts to others, I am not suggesting that you close down tothe horrors that you see in your world, I am not asking you to turna blind eye on the atrocities that continue to erupt on your sweetearth. I am suggesting with all the Love in my heart that you donot let them affect you negatively, that you stay focussed onyourself and what you require to keep walking everyday making thechoices that are right for you. If you are called to help those inneed in areas of the worlds where injustice continues to prevailthen you will be called to help and you will know it is right foryou, but if you run to the aid of all who are in need of assistanceat the expense of your own heart you are not serving anyone. Yourworld is within your heart and when you serve that first the outerworld will change. This is my Promise to You. I AM Lord Emanuel andI love you. Iwatch every step that you take. You are an Angel that sprinklesLight with every breath . Expand the Light of God within yourprecious heart Dear One by Loving your own heart free. And in doingso you will become a glorious fountain of Eternal Infinite GodLight that will transform this Sweet Earth. Yes, I speak directlyto You.


