2015年10月22日 星期四

聖母瑪利亞 20151017 錨定寬恕

親愛的孩子們, 願愛的祝福帶給你的身體,頭腦和心平和 。

Beloved Children,May the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.

光的波浪加強,人類感到了它的影響,在這樣或那樣的方式中,正意識到光的擴張,或感到不舒服。無論如何,光的沐浴服務把它們提高到更加地強烈,展示更多的光或更多被啟蒙的點。天氣變得越來越短時間,出於時間線的壓縮--- 快速地收斂到黃金時代,現在你,一天不再有24 小時,擴張的機遇,正好相反,增加和需要更多與你的我對齊。

Light waves intensify, the humans of Earth feel its effects, one way or another, realizing the expansion of light itself, or feeling something uncomfortable. Anyway, the Light bath served and have served to lift them ever more intensely, showing more light or showing points to be enlightened. The weather becomes increasingly short linearly due to compaction of the time lines, which converge quickly to the golden age-the NOW-Even you, having no more twenty-four hours of your day, expanding opportunities, on the contrary , increase and require even more alignment with your I.


This alignment with your I have asked something very important: the "FORGIVENESS"-is time, beloved, of forgiveness. To take advantage of this wave and forgive yourself for everything you think you did wrong. Time to forgive the past, the present and venture into the bright future is Now. Yes, beloved, the future is Now. Try, beloved, the simple breathing and feel the comfort that we ship to you. We ship constantly our love so that you may feel and acknowledge you as you are . We never punish, never saw them as sinners. The idea of sin is completely fails.

祝福,親愛的,你的體驗,寬恕自己,寬恕所有通過你生命並留下一個黑暗痕蹟的人。明白所有,不知如何,讓你受苦,更加受苦的人,那是因為他們必須攜帶劊子手的重擔。寬恕自己和提升自己。這些只是雙方都必要的體驗--- 在所需的時間服務。現在是時候放下了。這些只是體驗,你不需要,在任何方式中,緊抓它們,或者只是服務你學習和擴張的體驗樂趣,因為這總是最初的想法。這就是他們到達較低振動的方式:在喜悅中擁有機遇去體驗極端的情況,知曉那裡可以在光中更多地擴張你,點亮你周圍的黑暗。回來,親愛的,回到最初的喜悅…

Bless, o beloved, your experiences, and forgive you and forgive all those who for your lives passed and left some thread of darkness. Understand that all those who, somehow, you made ​​suffer, suffer even more because they had to carry the burden of executioners. Forgive you and lift you. Were only necessary experiences for both sides, who have served the time required. Now it's time to let go. Are just experiences and you need not, in any way, you grab them, or just for the joy of experiencing things that served you were learning and expansion, because this has always been the primary idea. That's how they came down to low vibrations: in full joy for having had the opportunity to experience extreme situations and know that there could expand you even more in Light, illuminating the darkness all around you. Come back, beloved, come back to the primary joy …


Not perpetuate your suffering through self-flagellation, called here of guilt, guilt for something you have done or have failed to do. Everything is light, beloved! And all you have experienced has been and will be a blessing in some way. Have you not read that God fragmented up and down the physical thousands of particles to try? To experience things? Are you, dear, you are Gods, already told my beloved Son, Jesus.


The blame spreads poison in your physical bodies, causes a decrease in red blood cells and causes considerable decrease of your natural defenses and, even more, blocks the channel of communication with the spiritual friends who you watch and wish to share with you the love of the spirit.


Beloved, time is short so that you may stand up in love, raising your vibrations and crystallize your cells through forgiveness to others and yourself.


Remember that all the experiences that you have been offered had the blessing of your higher self, that architect all plausible experiments to progress in light. In my message, I leave Light codes for that, if you wish, they come in for your eyes while switching on and light up your hearts, giving you encouragement so that you may you raise.

攜帶著內疚負擔的人… 是的,親愛的子女們,我告訴你:放下所有的責備,怨恨,任何不是愛的感受。現在試著呼吸,感到我的擁抱。呼吸… 呼吸…

You who carry the burden of guilt … Oh, Yes, beloved son, beloved daughter, I tell you right now: let go all of blame, resentment and any other feeling that is not love. Try now breathe and feel my hug. Breathe . .. Breathe ...

現在感到我就在你身邊,我的孩子… 感到從我流向你的平和,在完美的時機中,將我們統一在這個平和中。我們之間沒有區別。我們分享相同的愛,因為我們愛最高統治者。我們來自神。這裡沒有內疚,沒有痛苦,沒有怨恨。

Feel my presence next to you now, my son ... Feel the peace that flows from me to you and, as in a perfect timing, unify us in this peace. There is no difference between us. We share the same love, because we Love Supreme. We came from God. And God is.There's no guilt here, no pain, no resentment.

現在想像自己微笑,與所有通過你人生的人聚會,每個人,毫無例外。看到無限的喜悅,愛的擁抱,是的,讓喜悅的淚水留下。這是聚會的時刻,寬恕的時刻,接納的時刻。這是放下所有負擔的時刻。認識到你的神聖的存在,愛自己,為自己完成了險峻的任務(嘗試較低振動)感到自豪。親愛的… 感到現在從你身上浮現的所有愛的感受,這裡只有平和,寬恕和成就感。

Visualize yourself now smiling, partying with all those who have been through your life, everyone, without exception. View infinite joy, loving hugs and, Yes, lets the tears flow in your happy face. It's party time, is time for forgiveness, time of acceptance. This is the moment. All the burden out of your shoulders. Recognizes you as a divine being, loves you and be proud for having completed the arduous task of trying the low vibrations. Oh, beloved! ... Feel all that loving feeling that flows from you now, where there is only Peace, Forgiveness and a sense of accomplishment.

當一個寬恕到達你,當你給予自己寬恕的祝福,你會被呼喚到新的體驗。新的人會出現在你生活中,新的機遇,新的能量… 親愛的,這些的發生是因為他們放下了內疚和否認的枷鎖。接納他人對你的所作所為。但,當你放下,新的會前來,你會訪問非常接近你的光明世界。它就是一個簡單的呼吸。

When a pardon arrives to you, when you give yourselves the blessing of forgiveness, you will be called to new experiences. New people will appear in your lives, new opportunities, new energy ... This happens, beloved, because they let the chains of guilt and denial. Denial not to accept something that has been done to you by others, or denial of not taking something that you think have done wrong by yourself. But, when you let go, the new will come to you and you will access the bright world that is so close to you. Is a simple breathing.


Well beloved, I leave you now pouring over all my blessings and involving everyone on my cloak of protection, because I am Mary, your Mother.

通靈:Gabriel    翻譯:Nick Chan

