2015年10月22日 星期四


和深刻,因為出於大量行星的對齊,能量轉變,釋放和下載,你所經歷的,你新的潛能更加巨大,更加被支持。敢於夢想,親愛的一們,向壯觀的高度潛能敞開--- 會最終地讓你閃耀你的靈魂之光,讓所有人看到。~ 大天使加百利

Today is the dawn of a new day. Every single day is the dawn of a new day. This statement is more powerful and profound than ever before because due to the massive planetary alignments, energetic shifts, releasing and downloads you have been moving through, your new potentials are even greater and more energetically supported than ever before. Dare to dream, Dear Ones, and open up to spectacularly high potentials that will finally allow you to shine your soul light brightly and brilliantly for all to see. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102w0dv.html

人類可以給予彼此的最有愛的禮物就是鼓勵和堅定不移的對他人能力和精通的信任。當你在福祉,愛和神性中支持彼此,你在授權和支持每個人去憶起,活出,自身的真理。~ 大天使加百利

The most loving gift human beings can give one another is encouragement and unshakeable faith in each other ' s complete capability and mastery. When you hold each other up in wellness, love, and divinity, you are empowering and supporting everyone involved to remember, and live by, their truth. ~Archangel Gabriel


