2015年9月14日 星期一



When you ask spirit for assistance with a problemand then immediately surrender and move into the energies ofacceptance and flow, you are focused on quickly and efficientlyshifting into a solution. When you ask spirit for help and stay inresistance to movement, you are staying in the energy of theproblem. Do you see? The flow is the superhighway to your desiredoutcome. ~Archangel Gabriel



What is the one thing in your life that limitsyou, that you think will never change? Stop and ask yourself, if you look through neweyes of endless potential, if that belief is really true. If, fromevery possible viewpoint you can take, it still seems to be true,ask yourself if the universe sees things you cannot. Then askyourself from a universal perspective if it is stilltrue.


Dear Ones, there areno caps to what you can achieve. There are only self imposedlimitations based on what you accept as your potential. Miraclesoccur when you allow yourself to soar into the realm oflimitlessness, into the all that is Source energy, where everypossible potential exists . ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan

