2015年9月2日 星期三


離開和死亡,如此我們能夠得到復活並在全新的亞當.卡蒙/夏娃的光體中重生。 在最近幾年裡我們中如此多的人被推向嚴峻的啟蒙時期,我們不得不一次次的褪掉皮膚,一次次的更新記憶儲存。我們被脫得一干二淨,赤裸的直達靈魂的核心,並隨之到來更多。 那個小男孩,困惑不已的少年,以及這個同樣困惑不已的小女生,必須得到釋放,從“更低”的靈魂自我,獸性的自我中解脫,這使得我們有時候的行為荒謬可笑,成為被恐懼囚禁的囚徒:害怕打開真實自我的恐懼--去愛並得到愛,恐懼被拋棄,失去,死亡的恐懼,害怕轉變的恐懼,恐懼脫離我們自我囚籠的模式並進入到“單純存在”的完全自由中。

 This is the time for immense energy changes, and whatwill impact the most at this time is the disintegration, theleaving, the dying, of the Old Adam, the Old Eve, so that we can beresurrected and reborn into our new Adam/Eve KadmonLightbodies. So many of us have been put through severe initiations inthe last few years and we have had to shed skin after skin, memorybank after memory bank. We have beenstripped naked and bare to our very core soul self, and then somemore. That little boy, the bewildered teenager, the little girland the bewildered teenager, has to be released, for it is theLOWER soul self, the animal self, which makes us sometimes behaveirrationally, and holds on prisoners of fear: the fear of truly opening ourselves tolove and being loved, the fear of abandonment, of loss, the fear ofdying, the fear change, the fear of having to move out of ourself-made prisons and into the utter freedom of justBEING.

更高的靈魂自我在某些層次知道這點,並非受到著行星層面的束縛,而是可以遵照宇宙的法則自由飛翔。它是我們自身的無限擴展,無限的靈魂有著數億次的轉生,在宇宙和超級宇宙中平行的生命體驗。它的無限,永恆,也因此明白沒有時間的束縛。只是自由的“存在”--僅僅以任何形式去“存在”。 在遠古時代,那些卓越的異能者能夠輕易的轉變外形成為任何一種他們所希望在能量的運作中採納的形態。他們完全變成了這種力量,允許自己被分解,然後重新構成。在物質形態的失去上曾經並不存在恐懼,因為沒有誰會粘附在這種形式的觀點上。個人曾經知道物質的身體只是一個載具,對於永恆來說一次短暫採用的器皿,因為它真實的靈魂形態是純淨的光能。 更高的靈魂自我明白--只有愛。在無止盡的自我擴展中沒有可以超越愛的事物。

 The Higher Soul Self KNOWS this at some level and is notplanetary bound, but flies free cosmically. It is the infinite expanded version ofourselves, the limitless soul that has had billions of lives,parallel lives in cosmic Universes and Omni verses. It limitless, eternal and therefore knowsno time and bounds. It is free to BE –just BE in any existence or form. In Ancient times those high adepts and initiation couldeasily shape-shift into any form they wished to adopt for certainenergy work. They literally BECAME theforce, in allowing themselves to be disintegrated and reassembled. There was no fear of loss of the physicalform, for one was not attached to this form. One knew that they physical body was but avessel, a vehicle one adopted for a short eyewink in eternity, forits true soul-form was that of pure Light-energy. The Higher Soul Self knows just LOVE. It cannot be otherthan love ever expanding upon itself. 

然而,當我們更低的靈魂自我在這顆星球上統治著我們的時候,便陷入到遺忘的海洋中,恐懼襲入把我們當作了囚徒,怪罪,羞恥,以及對自我和自我價值的貶低,使得我們陷落為恐懼愛的力量的人,恐懼著改變催化要素的人。在我們珍愛的生活中只有痛苦,恐懼和自我的限定。 更高的靈魂自我明白只有愛,它擴展著自身的形式,且明白沒有恐懼,沒有失去,沒有限定,因為它僅有的功能是,在一種宇宙層面的知曉和深度內在的智慧中進行操作,也明白不存在任何值得恐懼的事物,不存在那所謂會失去愛的事物,或是要去贏得愛,也沒有它能看到的限制。它僅僅知曉的是宇宙在其存在,意識的層面擴展自己,以它無限的形式。 我獲得了對於無限,更高靈魂自我的擴展的這份理解,在那些時刻裡我曾被要求開啟為數眾多的能量門戶,並且我不得不完全的允許自己,我更低的靈魂自我,被予以瓦解,如此我更高的靈魂本質才能夠全面的進入並允許它成為這股能量和場域,隨後允許所有的轉變以它本來的樣子呈現。而我,作為我那更低的自己,這個處於恐懼,束縛中的我,不得不完全的離開,如此這種能量的清理工作才能得以完成。

However, when our lower soul self rules us while we arehere on this planet and are sinking into the Sea of Forgetfulness,fears move in to hold us prisoner, and blame, shame and lowself-confidence, low self-worth, make us shrinking violets who fearthe power of love and who fear the catalyst of change. We hold on for dear life to our pain, ourfears, and our limitations. The Higher Soul Self knows only love, and in expandedform, knows no fear, knows no loss, knows no boundaries, for itonly functions, operates from a cosmic KNOWING and deep innerWISDOM, that knows that there is no such thing as fear, no suchthing as ever losing love, nor gaining love, nor does it seelimitations. It only knows the cosmicexpansive BEINGNESS, CONSCIOUSNESS in its limitlessform. Igained this understanding of the limitless, the expansiveness ofthe Higher Soul Self, in those times when I was asked to open upmassive energy portals, and I literally had to allow myself, mylower soul self, to be disintegrated, so that my Higher Soul Self,could totally step in and allow itself to BECOME the energy andenergy fields and then allow all to shift as it should. The I, as in my lower self, the fearing,bound, I, had to completely leave so that this energy clearing workcould be done. 

它給予了我無限的理解,在那時我曾經能完全的走出來並進入我更高的靈魂自我,隨後不管在我身邊發生著什麼都不再重要,每件事物如何瓦解並不重要,我能夠完全的處於自己的力量中,我更高靈魂自我的力量,並允許我自己擴展對宇宙法則的知曉從而進入無限的實相,在其中,我變成一直處於的“臨在”狀態,無時無刻不在擴展著,重塑著自我。 沒有失去的恐懼,沒有對瓦解的恐懼,沒有對自我迷失的恐懼,沒有害怕身體消失的恐懼,沒有對於改變或擴展的恐懼。我不粘附在任何事物上,沒有自我營造出的帝國,沒有自我的監獄,也沒有自我本身。“自我”已經消失,但卻同時激活了無限的“我”,無限的靈魂本質,以及我是誰的真相。 這就是在此刻我們所有人允許自己所發生的事情。陳舊的亞當和夏娃已服務了他們的目標。這曾是最低層面的存在形式,人類一直在這顆星球上處於3D世界的無止盡折磨中。現在這些正在瓦解。

It gave me immense understanding that when I was totallyable to step up and into my Higher Soul Self, then it did notmatter what happened in and around me, it did not matter howeverything disintegrated, I could stand fully in my power, myHigher Soul Self power , and allow myself to be expanded cosmicallyinto the infinite realms, where I BECAME that which was everPresent, ever expanded, ever re-creating itself. There was no fear of loss, no fear of disintegration, nofear of losing self, no fear of losing bodily form, no fear ofchange or expansion. I had nothing to holdonto, to cling to, no self-made empires, no self-made prisons, andno self. The SELF had disappeared, butsimultaneously activated the limitless ME, the limitless SOUL-SELF ,the TRUTH of who and what I am. This is now exactly what is happening to all of us atthis time. The Old Adam and Old Eve servedtheir purpose. This was the lowest form ofexistence the human soul ever experienced on this planet in the 3Dworld . This is nowdisintegrating. 

我們僅僅只是恐懼改變,害怕以我們的全部去愛另一個靈魂,或是害怕痛苦,害怕失去我們自己以及我們自己創造的監獄,如果我們拒絕放手的話。一些人頑固的粘附在他們小男孩,小女孩的幼稚中,把更低的自我看作是全部,而這個年幼的個體就像是一位困惑不已且被嚇壞的自己,他害怕失去,害怕以敞開的心去愛,害怕受到傷害,害怕被拋棄,害怕這個世界太大。這讓人聯想起兇猛可怕的魔鬼,而其實它根本不存在。它總是在尋找著藉口不去愛,不去成為,不去擴展,不去擺脫這些自我的監獄和那看似舒適的地帶。它根本只是在害怕自己,它害怕承擔起自己生命的責任,卻正是靈魂希望帶來的。一旦它受到傷害或是痛苦,便建起了堡壘圍繞自己和它的心,隨後更多的恐懼和傷害進入內在的小孩,它希望回到媽媽的子宮裡受到保護,不再去面對這個大千世界。 沒有任何需要再呈現出那個小孩形象。這個年幼無知的小孩,不得不在此刻走入到更高頻率的領域中,而事實上它無法走到那裡。它必須瓦解,好讓真實的靈魂自我通過不斷開啟的門戶進入,融入到全面擴展的靈魂核心中,更高的靈魂自我,它明白沒有任何的限定。 只有更高的靈魂自我能夠走入聯合創造的全部力量中,在其中新地球將得以呈現。

We will only fear change, fear to love another soul withall that we are, or fear pain, or fear to lose ourselves totallyand our self-made prisons, if we refuse to let go. Some people cling onto their little boy,girl, then teenager, the lower self with all they have, for thatlittle one is like a bewildered and scared self, who is scared tolose, scared of loving with an open heart, is scared of being hurt,is scared of being abandoned, is scared of the world at large. It conjures up fierce and scary monsters,where in reality there are none. It alwaysfind excuses not to love, not to be, not to expand, not to get outof its own prisons and comfort zones. Itfears its own power most of all, and it fear taking responsibilityfor its own life, in the measure of what the soul wishes to bringin. Once it was hurt or pained, it buildsfortresses around itself and its heart, and then some more for thevery frightened and hurt inner child, wants to cuddle back into themother's womb for protection and not face the world atlarge. There is no need for that little child anymore. That little child and teenager, has to nowstep up into the higher vibrational frequency fields, and in truthit cannot go there. It has to disintegratein order for the true soul self to step through the portals openingup, and into the full expanded soul-core-self, the Higher SoulSelf, which knows no limitations. Only the Higher Soul-Self can step into the full power ofCo -CREATION, which is what the New Earth will be createdfrom. 

我把這看作為意識的擴展,意識覺知的聯合創造並全面的擔當為其創造的責任。 一個人無法去另一個人,只要內在那飽受恐懼的小孩存在,這個人將總是猛擊那最易受攻擊的地方,建造堡壘,因為害怕痛苦和分離,害怕去愛其他人,某件事物將不得不讓出道路----一個人對於內在和外在自我死亡的恐懼。 這必須得到釋放,才能讓個人進入靈魂的全面成熟,全面的靈魂激活,也包括更高階段那難以置信的服務工作。 在接下來的幾個月和未來幾年中,我們不能再繼續允許自己捲縮在更低的靈魂自我中,我們必須走入完整的成熟和全面的激活,也包括擴展的宇宙服務。 陳舊的亞當和夏娃,和所有基於恐懼的人格,更低的自我特徵,這些面具,藉口,所有這些,都必須放下。如果我們不願放下這種意識,我們自我的部分將衰退,同時如果因為這些原因我們無法維持自己身體的形態,我們將不得不離開這顆星球。

Isee this as expansive consciousness, the conscious awareness ofco-creatorship and taking full responsibility for what onecreates. One cannot truly love another human being, as long asthat fearing inner child is present, for one will always hit outwhere one is most vulnerable, create fortresses because one fearspain, and separation, one fears that in loving the other, somethingwill have to give way – one fears a dying inside and outsideoneself. This has to be released so that one can step into fullsoul maturity and full soul activation as well as incredible highranking service work. We cannot allow ourselves to be shrunk by the lower soulself anymore in these next few months and years. We have to step into full maturity andfull activation, as well expanded cosmic service. The Old Adam and Eve and all the fear- based personas, thelower self personas, the masks, the pretense, ALL of it, has to go. If we are not willing to let go of thisconsciousness, parts of ourselves will disintegrate, and if wecannot sustain our physical form because of this, we will have toleave the planet. 

這就是此刻的現實。 由於地球揚升進入越來越高的頻率地帶,我們更低的自我不得不放在淨化的火焰中,這就是此刻一切的相關。淨化,瓦解的過程,如此我們才能夠重新裝配更高的自己,進入擴展化的意識和存在面。 讓那些有著內在之耳的人---以全部的激活去聽到。 讓那些擁有內在之眼的人---以全面的激活去看清。 讓那些擁有覺知的人---以全面的激活去理解。 讓這得以記錄。 讓這得以完成。 如此這便是全部的,不朽宇宙的太陽意識。

This is the reality of this time. As the earth ascends in to much higher and more potentfrequency bands, our lower selves have to be put through the firesof purification and this is what this time is all about. Purification. Disintegration, so that we can bereassembled into the much higher version of ourselves and intoexpanded consciousness and BEING. Let those who have inner ears – hear with fullactivation. Let those who inner eyes – see with fullactivation. Let those who have knowing – understand with fullactivation. Let this be written. Let this be done. So it is for all immortal cosmic Sunsconsciousness.


