2015年9月4日 星期五


祈禱文 : 神聖的臨在,感謝你在我於生命中的“施與”和“接受”之間帶來的平衡之禮。

Divine Presence, thank you for the gift of Balance in mygiving and receiving of life. Thank you for helping me to focus onthat which is most important for my growth as a spiritual being inthe world. And most of all, thank you for connecting me to my true,divine, eternal and most authentic self at all times. So be it. Beit so. Amen.


Afull relationship with your Higher Self is possible when you giveyourself time to receive Love from the deepest sources of yourBeing. 

摯愛的你: 在此生你擁有著一種最強大且重要的關係--與你的更高自己。正是這個部分讓你得以全面的與神交流,它是你靈魂的聲音。指引和直覺也來自這個處所。存在著許多種方式得以讓你發展和加強這種你個人覺知與更高自我之間的聯繫,同時它們包含的一切都需要耐心,持續不懈和經常的訓練自己。 一種需要學會的方法是---以你的直覺去行動。有多少次你認為自己在做著某件事,卻忽視了這個想法,隨後在一種局勢升起的時候你卻說道:“我曾就知道我可以做好的?”你越多的聆聽你內在的聲音並以你的直覺去行動,這份連接會變得更為強大。

Dear One, One of the most powerful and important relationships youhave in this life is with your Higher Self. This is the part of youwhich is in full communion with God because it is the voice of yourSoul. Guidance and intuitive insight come from this place. Thereare a number of ways you can develop and strengthen thisrelationship between your personality awareness and your HigherSelf, and all of them require patience, persistence andpractice. One way is to learn to act on your intuition. How manytimes have you thought about doing something, ignored the thought,and then a situation arose when you said, "I knew I should havedone that?" The more you listen to your inner voice and act on yourintuition, the stronger this connection will become.

另一種強化你與更高自我連接的方法是通過【冥想】。冥想是一種擴展你自身覺知狀態的方法,超越你的肉體。物質的世界是最粗糙層面的顯現,然而存在著許多超越它的意識層。冥想是這個關鍵,觸及一種深度內在的存在,它寧靜的處在內心之地,在這裡你與神是一體的。 冥想並不困難,但是它需要不斷的訓練和堅持不懈的態度,以獲得一種平靜且聚焦的意識。最初它也許會顯得令人沮喪,因為頭腦意識看似從未可能停止。情緒和想法總是尋求著關注。這恰好就是思維運作的方式,所以你要耐心的對待自己,溫柔的把你的意識重新聚焦在呼吸上,作為你關注的焦點。也許會有幫助的是在你冥想之前,抽出時間寫下你的感受和想法,這樣你能夠更輕鬆的清理自己的頭腦。不論你以任何方式做到平靜且清理自己都會很有幫助。

Another way to strengthen your connection to your HigherSelf is through meditation. Meditation is a way of expanding yourconscious awareness of states beyond your physical body. Thephysical world is the grossest level of manifestation and there aremany planes of consciousness beyond it. Meditation is the key toreaching a deeper level of being, that still place within, whereyou are one with God. Meditation is not difficult, but it does require practiceand persistence to attain a calm and focused mind. It may befrustrating at first, because the mind never seems to stop. Emotions and thoughts come up that clamor for attention. This isjust the way thoughts work, so be patient with yourself and gentlyrefocus your mind on your breath as the object of your attention.It may be helpful to take the time to write out your feelings andthoughts before you meditate so that you can clear your mind moreeasily. Whatever you do to calm and clear yourself will be veryhelpful. 

練習 : 安靜的坐下來,平靜的呼吸,同時你開始感到更多的平衡和根植,想像一股美麗的,金色療愈之光在你周圍流動著,並穿過你。在你的內在有著不可思議的愛的力量,僅僅等待著你意識的許可讓其流動進入你整個存在。把你的意圖聚焦在接收--神之愛。你能夠請求自己的高我促進這個連接。只要你做,你就會創造出一種堅固的意識連接。想像那份神聖的愛正帶著溫暖的金色之光流經你。允許你自己沐浴在這份愛中,讓它充盈你存在的每個細胞。 在你的意識中創造一個美麗的地點,在其中你能夠安寧靜默的處於你心中的寧靜中。請求你的天使導師的指引,同時我們會協助你建立這個過程。天使存在是神的信使,來到這裡幫助你發現平靜,愛和你生命中的喜悅。我們也能夠支持你冥想的過程,如此你將發掘存在於你內在你所需要的愛。描繪出這樣的畫面,天使們正以純淨之光的翅膀環繞著你,同時我們會立刻出現。我們愛你且相信你值得擁有所有一切的美好。

Practice Sit quietly, breathe balanced breaths, and as you beginto feel more peaceful and centered, imagine a beautiful golden,healing light flowing around and through you. There is incrediblelove within you, waiting only for your conscious permission toflood your entire being. Focus your attention on receiving the loveof God. You can ask your Higher Self to facilitate this connection.As you do, you will create a solid, conscious connection. Imaginethat Divine Love is flowing through you in the flow of warm goldenlight. Allow yourself to bask in this love and let it permeateevery cell of your being. Create a beautiful place in your mind where you can go tosit in the silence that exists within you. Call on your angelicteachers for guidance and we will assist you in this process. TheAngels are messengers of God, here to help you find peace, love andjoy in your life. We can also assist your meditation process so youwill find the love you need within yourself. Picture the Angelssurrounding you in wings of pure light, and we will be there. Welove you and believe that you deserve to receive all that isgood. 

當你抽出一點時間在每天都進行你與神之間更強大的靈性連接,你會驚奇的發現自己的生活將如何改變。你會發現指引和智慧以一種超出過去從未能想像的層次向你敞開。它僅僅需要這份意願---讓你自己抽出時間去輕鬆的呼吸,精力集中在接收神之愛上。 請記住,今天來自天使的信息:

When you take a little time every day to make yourspiritual connection to God stronger, you will be amazed how yourlife will change. You will find guidance and wisdom available toyou in a greater way than you ever imagined was possible. It takesonly the willingness to give yourself time to breathe, focus andreceive God's love. Remember, your message from the Angelstoday: 
Afull relationship with your Higher Self is possible when you giveyourself time to receive Love from the deepest sources of yourBeing. 

由ShantaGabriel於2015年8月30日   通靈傳遞譯者U2覺醒

