2015年9月7日 星期一



Faith and trust are the two integral energies that keep you in the surrendered movement of the flow. Because faith and trust help you move into acceptance and allowing (the knowingness that everything is always unfolding in a way that is divinely perfect), they anchor the energy of peace into your existence. Dear Ones, it is the practice of faith and trust – the knowingness that you are all loved, cared for, guided and supported, always, that will help you move into a deep appreciation and satisfaction with your lives . You will begin savouring your beautiful dance with the universe and experience more magic than you ever dreamed possible. ~Archangel Gabriel



The people who have made the most profound,positive, and lasting impression on your planet, are the ones whogav​​e themselves permission to stand tall in their truth andauthenticity. Many ofthese people came from very humble beginnings, and yet, from havingthe courage to stay true to themselves, ended up having a fargreater impact than they could ever have dreamed possible. DearOnes, don't deny others the opportunity of seeing who you reallyare, for your authenticity is the greatest gift you can give theworld. ~Archangel Gabriel


