2015年9月23日 星期三


祈禱文  Divine Presence :

神聖的臨在: 在全新的接受力層次我開放自己的心靈和意識面向此刻可被我利用的所有協助。讓我感受就在此刻與我一同合作的天使和大師們強而有力的支持。 願我深深的明白我被無法估量的愛著,就在此刻被完全的照料著。幫助著我把更多的美好與和諧帶入到我的生命中,伴隨而來的是那豐富且具有創造性的解決方案。 願我和所有人類真實的明白,我們所有的需求正帶著恩典和優雅被處理著,並且我們永遠受到著關愛。那便是如此。

Open my mind and heart in new levels of receptivity toall the assistance available to me now. Let me feel the powerfulsupport of the masters and angels that are working with me at thistime. May I know deeply that I am profoundly loved and caredfor right now . Help me to bring into my life more Beauty and moreHarmony with the Creative Solutions that abound. May I and all of humanity know truly that all our needsare being met with Grace and Ease, and that we are cared foreternally. And so it is


Be willing to face the fears of the past and move intonew dimensions of Love. 

親愛的你: 你們已來到一個時刻,此時你明白了這個道理,你一直以來已察覺到的自己的世界看似已不再有效運作的真實原因。它甚至會感覺好像你童年的創傷或是其他來自你過去的事情,那些你並不引以為豪的卻在不斷的進入你當下的覺知中。其實這是一個非常好的跡象,因為所有的記憶在進入你的頭腦,從而得到釋放,如此你才能夠活在當下。我們鼓勵這種過去記憶和恐懼的釋放,這樣你將能夠繼續你的生命之路。不論你是否通過祈禱,個人日誌,談話或是通過諮詢服務來做到這點,重要的關鍵是--要願意去面對過去的恐懼,把它們送入到愛之覺知的光中,隨後讓它們離開。

Dear One, You have come to a time when you know that the way youhave always perceived your world may seem like it is no longerworking. It may even feel as though your childhood traumas or otherthings from your past that you are not proud of are crowding intoyour present awareness. This is a very good sign, because allmemories come into your mind to be released, so that you can livein the present. We encourage this release of past memories and fearso you will be able to move on with your life. Whether you do thisthrough prayer, personal journaling, talking to a friend or goingthrough counseling, the important thing is to be willing to facethe fears of the past, hold them in the light of loving awareness,and then let them go. 

當愛,慈悲與接納的療愈之光閃耀在陳舊的模式和恐懼上,它們便失去了力量且更容易得到釋放。一旦你放手陳舊的思維習慣和感受,你變得自由,能從過去的束縛中轉移開自己的意圖,並把精神的焦點放置在創造你所希望的未來上,為了你自己,也同樣為你的世界。 天堂和地球之間的帷幕此刻已越來越薄。這就意味著你心靈的願望,以及你意識的焦點能夠帶來以你最高利益而設立的顯現。你的想法此刻在創造著你當前和未來的現實。

When the healing light of Love, Compassion and Acceptanceis shone on old patterns and fears, they lose their power and areeasier to release. Once you let go of old habits of thoughts andfeelings, you become free to turn your attention away from the pastand to focus on creating the future you would like for yourself andfor your world. The veils between heaven and earth are thinner now. Thismeans that the desires of your heart and the focus of your mind canbring about the manifestation of that which is in your highestgood. Your thoughts are now creating your present and futurereality. 

不論你以何種精神焦點聚焦在這不斷增加的新能量之上,它都便成為了你們世界中的主導力量。你能夠選擇把精神的焦點放置在處於一切萬物之中的美好,美麗和與生俱來的愛之上。或是你也可以選擇不斷增加你內心之中的恐懼。如果你開始去尋求美好,你就會發現它。並且你越多的在你們世界中去尋找這份美好,它便會更多的增加,因為你在自身精力聚焦的地方給予了它能量。 你也將開始注意到自己更多的充滿愛,更多的平和,以及更多的樂觀。人們也會看起來對你更好。你每日的鬥爭生活也會變得更少。所有這些都是可能的,因為你開始在尋找,並把精神的焦點放置在美好上,並且也樂意在自己的生命中擁有更多的愛與和諧。它將看似如一個奇蹟,同時奇蹟對於所有樂意接收它們的人都是真實的。

Whatever you focus on increases in energy, so it becomesthe dominant force in your world. You can choose to focus on thegood, the beautiful and the love inherent in all things. Or you canchoose to increase the levels of fear inside you. If you begin tolook for good, you will find it. And the more you look for the goodin your world, the more it will increase because you are giving itenergy by your focus. You will also begin to notice that you feel more loving,more peaceful and more optimistic. People will seem much nicer toyou. Your daily struggle will become less. All this is possiblebecause you begin to look for and focus on the good, and arewilling to have more Love and Harmony in your life. It will seemlike a miracle, but miracles are available to all who will receivethem. 


The Angels are also available to you now in a way thatwas not possible before. We will assist this entire process ofchanging the way you perceive your world, if you but ask us. Yourthoughts are prayers flowing out into the ethers and bring to youthat which you focus on. What do you have to lose by calling onyour guardian Angel and asking for more Love, Peace and Harmony inyour life? What could it hurt to ask to see that which is good,instead of that which causes pain? There is an incrediblesimplicity in the truth of universal law. You do not have to bealone in your struggle. Angelic assistance is always available toyou, here to bring Divine Love and Light to the world. Our messageis always one of Peace and Harmony. We seek to bring only Good intoyour life. 


Entertain the possibility that what we are saying mayactually be true; that what you focus on can create your futurereality. Notice your thought patterns throughout the day. Is thiswhat you want in your future? Begin to focus your thoughts only onthat which you want in your life. When you notice negativity inyour mind, say “That is not an acceptable reality, this is what Ido want...more Love, greater Abundance, Harmony in my relationshipsand Beauty in my world.” Before long you will notice the changes inyour life, as that which you ask for manifests. These changes arethe new dimensions of love promised to you. You are the one thatholds the key to your future by what you are harmonizing withtoday. 

請記住今天來自大天使的信息: 願意去面對過去的恐懼,並走入到愛的全新維度中。

Remember your message from the angels todayis: Be willing to face the fears of the past and move intonew dimensions of Love. 

由ShantaGabriel於2015年9月20日通靈傳遞      譯者U2覺醒

