2015年9月15日 星期二


突然之間,在等待有關揚升的積極正向消息 ​​的一段重要時刻之後,你們正發現大量

All of sudden after waiting for some considerable timefor positive news about Ascension, you are finding that a number ofsources are receiving positive information. You are now repeatedlybeing informed that the 28th. September is the high point of themonth, as the day on which the photon energies peak. Not only that,but to a level that has not been previously experienced. If youever had any doubts about the progress being made ​​towardsAscension, they have surely now been removed. You will now begin torealise that so much has been happening “behind the scenes” thatyou were not aware of previously. As you have often been told, thathas been in the interests of keeping our plan secret for as long aspossible. Different civilisations have been involved in the action,not least of all the Shelves from the 6th . dimension who havesuddenly made ​​themselves known to you. They are of the Light andwill ensure that you succeed in making your way through toAscension, and they will not allow the dark Ones to carry oninterfering with your progress. As you look back you will realisethat since 2012 there has been steady progress made, until suddenlyyou have found your place in the New Age and nothing can stop yourcompletion.


As many of you may have already found out, the Shelveshave arrived in your Solar System with their “home planet” that isnow helping to deflect some of the powerful energies reaching you.Otherwise some of you may become overwhelmed by the full force ofsuch powerful energies . These are all signs of the progress beingmade on many fronts that will soon lead to Ascension. Which soulsascend is entirely due to the level of their vibrations, so it isessential that you apply yourselves to keeping your focus on yourgoal. It is natural that you will be concerned about your lovedones, but be assured that all souls will find themselves exactlywhere they are intended to be. The cycle that has just ended unlikeearlier ones, will not end in disaster but in success as all of youthat are ready will move on and no longer be heldback.


Some souls will ask how they will know if they are readyto ascend and the fact that they have made ​​efforts to be ready forsuch an occasion, suggests that they have successfully preparedthemselves for it. Continue as you have done previously and do notworry about your future, as many Guides that travel with you willensure that you find yourself exactly where you are intended to be.Some souls will continue at their present level in a similardimension to the present one, where they will continue toexperience the challenge of the 3rd. dimension. Mother Earth isalso ascending and will no longer be tied to the lower vibrations.A beautiful Earth will arise out of the ashes of the old one wherepeace and love reside. No longer shall you be subject to those whocarry the negative energies, or their actions that bring down thehigher vibrations of the Light. Simply put, they cannot survive inthe higher vibrations that are for souls who have moved past theneed for further experience at that level. 

不論你處於這個世界的任何地方,全新的能量都將改變陳舊的一切,而揚升將給予相同的機會給所有靈魂 ​​,而無關於他們的背景。自從億萬年前旅程的開始起,它一直如此。所有靈魂 ​​都一直得到協助去通過他們各個不同的人生轉世,即便是他們並未了解自己有著指導靈的存在。由於振動的不斷提升,一些靈魂將開始獲得一種對於他們(指導靈)的知曉,並最終能夠與他們交流。請記住你們中的許多人在睡夢中都離開過自己的身體,每個夜晚都與他們會面,這時你的需求被予以了討論並幫助你得到你所希望的建議。你從未孤獨的奮戰在自己生命的鬥爭中,雖然看似的情形就像是不平等的情形一直在針對你。我們要提醒你,在你轉生經歷此生之前就 ​​已同意過這次測試,且已接受必須學習的某些課程,為 ​​的是你更深遠的進化。

Wherever you are in the world the new energies willchange the old ones, and Ascension will give the same opportunitiesto all souls regardless of their background. It has been the sameever since your journey started eons of time ago. All souls havebeen assisted through their various lives , even if they have beenunaware of the presence of their Guides. As the vibrations risesome souls will begin to have an awareness of them and ultimatelyare able to converse with them. Bear in mind that many of you leaveyour sleeping bodies each night and meet them, when your needs arediscussed and help given to you if so desired. You are never leftalone to fight your battles through life, although it may seem likeit when the odds seem stacked against you. We would remind you thatyou agreed to life's tests before you incarnated, having acceptedthe need to learn certain lessons to further yourevolution. 


If you had a waking memory of your previous lives, youwould be amazed at the rapid progress you have made. Indeed, thereis not a quicker way available to you even in the next dimension.Be assured that all of you at present on Earth have been chosenbecause of your particular needs, and your previous experience.However, it is also necessary to have souls from all levels tocreate a complete society that gives all of them the experiencesneeded to evolve. Life may seem to be mixture of experiences thatseem to have little purpose , but we can assure you that they arecarefully planned and carried out by your Guides. As you mightunderstand, at this particular time it is a matter of tying up theloose ends to ensure you are completely prepared to ascend. Youhave no doubt had the experience to find that some souls have nointerest whatsoever in Ascension, because they have not raisedtheir consciousness to a sufficient level to understand what itmeans. However, as we often point out, itdoes not matter in the greater scheme of things as all willeventually complete their lessons in the 3rd.dimension. 


You now stand at the beginning of another grandadventure, but this time you will choose the path you wish tofollow. After all the experiences you have gone through you can sitback and enjoy the changes as they come along. Clearly there isstill work to be done and patience needed whilst the old energiesare played out. You in the know can be of great service to thosewho are awakening and need help to understand what is happening. Asyou can imagine, the truth will come as a shock to most people, butthe changes are to be welcomed as they take you to a level wherelove and peace reign. Any remnants of the old vibrations willgradually disappear or be removed, as the benefits of the higherdimension lift you up. 


We believe that many of you will begin to feel thebenefits of the rise in vibrations, and it should bring a peace ofmind and a happy feeling that at last you can fully enjoy the Lightthat is increasing all of the time. Life is to be full of purposeand uplifting and the old days of chaos and uncertainty will fadeinto the background having served their purpose in helping youevolve. The journey back to the higher vibrations has been long andarduous, but every effort put in will have been well worth it. Atsome stage you will be able to review your many lives and history,and then you will have a full understanding of your experiences.They will help you in your choice of further opportunities to takeyour evolution to the next step.


Iam SaLuSa from Sirius, and always please to address youparticularly at such an important time. Your understanding of lifehas moved forward in leaps and bounds and it will continue to speedup as the greater truths are made ​​known to you. Until you trulyunderstand your remarkable achievements you will be unable to graspexactly how great they are, and why you are looked up to by othercivilisations who have followed your progress.. I leave you asalways with my love and blessings, and trust you will find thestrength to see the goal ahead of you that is now sonear. 

Thank you SaLuSa.    MikeQuinsey

Website: Treeofthe Golden Light

