2015年9月18日 星期五



Greetings Dear Ones! It is I, Lord Emanuel come to be here with you again this day and I AM here with you now, take a moment to tangibly feel my presence, be still for a moment, breathe with me and wait until you can sense my presence with you. I AM always with you as it happens but you perceive me as coming and going because you are being asked to focus your attention upon my presence but actually in 'reality' I AM always with you. And in reality I AM you. Dear Ones, I have led you home to your hearts and now we walk into another journey, the inner journey that is beyond the conventional concept of spirituality and into the realms of consciousness, that which is in all things at all times, that which you are, that which I AM that which is called God.

深呼吸,親愛的人們,吸入並呼出,深長緩慢的呼氣並把你的意圖轉向你的心,在這裡你能夠感受到“造物主”或僅僅面向你的,你的存在本質。把你的意圖帶入到內心,因為事實上你所有的體驗都在這裡發生。並非是你自身的外在。在這裡是“神之所是的臨在”,以及你之所是。來到這裡是提醒你-- 為了重新憶起的體驗,你已選擇了遺忘。

Take a deep breath Dear Ones, in and out, deep long inhale and deep long exhale and bring your attention inward to you heart where you can feel God or just to you, your Beingness. Bring your attention within yourself for in reality all of your experience takes place here. Not outside of yourself. Here I AM. And I AM You. Come to remind you of that which you have chosen to forget for the experience of remembering.


Feel the Truth of that now Dear Ones, breathe that in and feel the comfort and ease with which you can abide here. It takes no effort to be here, it takes no doing, notice there is nothing that you must do to be aware of yourself in this way except perhaps still yourself by following your breath. Even then that is not totally necessary but very very helpful in deepening your experience and accelerating that deep connection with that which can never not be present.


Take a moment Dear Ones and invite me to come forward and amplify this experience for you. Breathe with me and allow whatever your experience to just be your experience and feel what lies underneath that feeling. The ever present I that I AM. Notice your thoughts , notice sounds and sensations in your body and notice that they are all within you. Close your eyes, if they are not already and you will experience a deeper sensation of this realisation that all of your experience, with no exception, occurs within you, occurs within the expansive ever present I that you are.


Sounds, smells, tastes, sensations thoughts feelings are all happening within the confines of your physical body, not outside of it. I AM. Feel and sense that which is experiencing all of this, that which has no name, that which can't be described, that which has been the subject of countless books, that which has formed countless belief systems, that which has been realised by countless Masters, that which has been fought over, that which is sought by every human being consciously or not; God , All There Is.


Dear Ones, the idea of​​ a separate self is an experience we all came here to have, there is nothing wrong with it, the separate self is an idea created by the Infinite to be finite, focussed, here in a body. And in this realisation the suffering of the separate self is ended. There is no separation but there is an idea of​​ it that allows the experience of life in a body on a planet.

一旦這份理解開始滲透進入你的體驗中,這種分離自我的功能失調面向將開始消融,作為它存在根系的斷裂而被予以移除。但依舊會出現回音,親愛的人們,分離自我的痛苦,你會經驗到時不時的臨時性的痛苦不適,這時這種分離自我的信仰會再次籠罩你,但是親愛的人們,你們正在跨越,同時你們中的一些人已經成功穿越進入到這種理解和確然的體驗中--- 並不存在自我的分離,而只是一種個人的想法允許了這個“無限”去經歷生活,作為“無限”在一副身體中的形態顯現,表面看起來呈現著無數其他的觀點,以所有形象的尺寸和形式伴隨著信仰系統和概念的所有面向,相關的是--生命應該是如何生活。

Once this understanding starts to filter into your experience the dysfunctional sides of the idea of​​ a separate self will begin to dissolve as the roots of its existence have been severed, have been removed. There will be echoes, Dear Ones, of the suffering of the separate self, you will experience for some time to come the temporary discomfort of suffering when the belief in the separate self overwhelms you once again but Dear Ones, you are crossing and some of you have crossed into the understanding and actual experience that there is no separate self but an idea of​​ one which allows the Infinite to experience life as finite in form in a body with seemingly countless other versions of itself in all shapes sizes and forms with all manner of belief systems and ideas about how life should be lived.


Dear Ones once you come into the understanding that the separate self is but an idea in order to allow the experience of Divinity embodied, then your life truly begins. Because once you realise that the Infinite is only here to experience life, well why would you not start living it full on full out, with no shame, no limitation? A totally liberated Being.

在此地的生命是全然一切所是的體驗獲得。   Life is here to be experienced that is All There Is.


And if your experience is uncomfortable right now, if your circumstances feel less than great right now, experience them full on, stop distracting yourselves Dear Hearts from the discomfort that you are in if that is your experience. Face it full on, feel it full on, it will not kill you and even if it feels like it might, know that the Light of God that you are devours everything. God is here to play full on, God is here to experience full on, that is why you came here . When you face what you cannot escape, Dear Ones, life will stop giving you that experience and liberation is yours and when you finally give up the idea that there is anything else but God at play here, God will come out to play and life starts showing up as the Heaven that you never left.


Allow the illusion of the separate self to fall away and see it for what it is, the vehicle by which the Divine gets to taste ice cream, to look upon the beauty of a child, to smell the scent of a rose, to feel the pain of betrayal, to come to realise that all experience is a part of the totality of the Eternal One and to know the Peace of Itself when the One I AM consciously abides there.


Abide with me and you will know everlasting Peace. I AM Lord Emanuel and this is my Promise to You. Abide in the awareness that I AM. That which you call Love. That which You Are. This is the end of separation and the beginning of the One I AM.

神祝福著你們珍貴的心  God Bless your Precious Hearts.

我深愛著你   I Love You

由Gillian Ruddy於2015年9月14日通靈傳遞
信息網址  www.lordemanuelmessages.com    譯者U2覺醒

第一部分閱讀地址 【主伊曼紐爾】《鼓舞與智慧的信息--與我一同堅持》

