2015年8月6日 星期四



Beloved Sisters and Brothers of Earth – we welcome you in the vibration of unity – of Love – of Joy and Peace. We are the Sirius Siblings. We are with you now in the vibration of these words to support you energetically in your Being and to adjust you to your inner focus. In your outer world – many things are going on – that lift you and your previous ideas off your hinges – from the anchorage – and you inner believes and fundamental values​​ will be deeply touched by this as well. All – that up to now has went without saying – is put on the inner touchstone and will be adjusted anew by the light and love.


This affects all – that is visible in your 3-dimensional level. The frequencies of the source – that are acting through the central sun upon your galaxy and into your solar system – are flooding and enlightening everything – simply everything that is – and through all levels. Surrender to the flow – that is streaming on to you – and realise – that your inner essence the pure love – is set into motion by this. If you open yourself and your heart to love – you will move forward in an easier and more harmonically way and by this happiness and satisfaction is generated into your live. This sounds easy and believe us – beloved sisters and brothers – life is easy. Enjoy every moment –​​ realise the love and the flow of love within. You are so powerful Beings – and every moment is a moment of creation.


Stay in love and confidence and relies on the love – and all is well. We are the Sirius Siblings – your sisters and brothers from the stars.

在愛,喜悅與聯合中。。。。Shogun Amona

In Love, Joy and Unity........ Shogun Amona

源頭 http://www.shogun-amona.net/channeling-botschaften/

英文翻譯 PetraSt     中文翻譯 U2覺醒

