Why not surrender your day today to be of yourhighest service? Being ofservice doesn't need to be grandiose. Far from it. Being of servicecan be moving an earthworm off a sidewalk, reaching something downfrom a high shelf for someone, or simply having a smile and a kindword for everyone you see. There is a lovely flow and joy thatcomes from consciously choosing to show up as the light for anyonewho may need it.
Many of you fearbeing of service will be too big of a job, too overwhelming, toodifficult. Far from it, Dear Ones. When everyone does a little bitthere is no such thing as a heavy load, and your opportunities willalways perfectly match what you have to joyfully and comfortablyoffer. ~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vu9u.html