2015年8月13日 星期四


這里以之前從未有過的方式服務你們。你們瞧,我們已跨入了第五維度的頻率,而這在過去的地球上還從未有過。我們正處在史無前例的地點,未涉足過的水域,親愛的朋友們,而你們是享有著特權的少數者,來到這里以第一手的經驗體驗這些。我明白,明白你們中的許多人還未看到這其中所蘊含的榮耀,你們許多人還無法清晰的理解這是一次多麼具有意義的體驗,因為你依舊在從分離的自我優勢的位置判斷著自己的經歷。 深呼吸,親愛的朋友們,深呼吸。在上次以這種方式我們傳遞與同在的時刻裡,你們中的許多人不是感受到了一種歸家的感覺?難道這不是曾讓你十分的激動麼,親愛的朋友?這也不是刻意炫耀,同時天使合唱團不也在向你問候麼?曾經不是也並沒有閃電或是開關被打開,而突然間你卻得到了“啟發”麼?沒有?親愛的朋友們,那份傳遞已深入到超出當前你能夠了解的更深處,不論你在體驗著什麼都是能夠得以肯定的是---你接收到了一份能量的傳遞,它已不可逆轉的改變了你,不論你是否已感受到任何巨大的轉變或改變都已如此。

Greetings Dear Ones, Greetings! It is I, your humble and loyal servant,Lord Emanuel here today to serve you as never before. You see wehave crossed into the 5th dimensional frequencies and there hasbeen no time like this on Earth ever before. We are inunprecedented ground, unchartered waters Dear Ones and you are theprivileged few who are here to experience this first hand. I know,I know many of you are yet to see this for the honour that it is,many of you can't quite understand how phenomenal an experiencethis is because you still judge your experience from the vantagepoint of separation. Deep breath Dears Ones, deep breath. How many of youexperienced a home coming during our last transmission and timetogether in this way? Was it not what you were expecting Dear Ones?Was there no fanfare and choir of angels to greet you? Was there nolightning bolt or switch that was flicked and suddenly you are'enlightened'? No? Dear Ones that transmission went in deeper thanyou can realise at present and no matter what your experience wasyou can be certain that you received a transmission of energy thathas changed you irreversibly whether or not you feel any huge shiftor change.

親愛的寶貝們,你們中的許多人依舊處在這種錯覺的印像中---便是覺醒和啟蒙必是一些巨大的成就或是事件,是如此的壯觀且會從所有你遭受的痛苦和負擔中得到解脫。而同時也正是這個原因,你們將從所有這類的事情中如釋重負,它並非意味著,任何事在覺醒的最初階段就真的全面改變。只是,每件事情的改變就其意義而言---是你們從自我分離的幻象進入與神的同在,寧靜在心中的神聖中,也意味著你經驗到了自己世界的完全改變。啟蒙僅僅是這份明晰的態度--分離的自我只是一種教條。   當它發生的時候你會明白,你會確認出這溫暖的平和,以及你心中那持續不斷,不可動搖的幸福感受,且不受任何事件,情形,人們,地點或是你生活中出現的事情的影響。“神”會揭示祂自己,如果祂還未準備好,你的心中也不會升起這股不可否認且恆久的感受。

Dear Precious Hearts, many of you are still under themistaken impression that awakening and enlightenment are some hugeachievement or event that is spectacular and will free you from allof your suffering and burdens. And while that is actually the case,you will be relieved from all of these things, it does not meanthat anything actually changes in the initial stages of fullawakening. However, everything changes in the sense that yourshifting from the illusion of a separated self into abiding withGod, resting in the peace of God in your heart means that yourexperience of your world completely changes. Enlightenment issimply the realisation that the separate self is just abelief. And you will know this when it happens you will recognisethe warm peace and happiness in your heart that is constant,unshakeable, immoveable and quite unaffected by any events,circumstance , people, places or things in your life. God willreveal Itself, if it has not already, in your Heart and thisfeeling is absolutely undeniable and permanent. 

你們能夠明白所有自己在尋求的,冥想的,放棄的,研究的,以及那些線上的課程,全都一直是相關著那依舊在你自身之外的“尋找”?尋找著一種存在的境界,而當這種境界達到的時候便出現一種歡快的情緒“我得到了”,隨後很快又伴隨而來從那種狀態中的脫離,再次進入悲傷,導致著幻滅,也許是沮喪的信心丟失。親愛的朋友們,這種從極高的喜悅境界跌落,陷入另一種意志消沉的時刻,處於“失去它”的想法會因人與人的不同,體驗和體驗的差異有所不同,但如果你觸及到一種“被福佑”的狀態時,會發現作為“失去它”的後果是因為當時你錯誤解讀了一種美好感受而升起的臨時察覺,而其實所為的是安住在神的完全恆久中。 所以親愛的朋友們,超越這個背景之上---來來回回的得到它,接著又失去它---存在著一個地點,存在著一份撫慰超越傳統的精神,而它所代表的是在理論和方法,訓練和“走入幸福”的程序上所有的混亂和衝突,確實存在著一個地點超越所有這類的嘗試,所有這類的努力和所有這些困難的工作。這並非是以任何方式對靈魂旅程的減少,親愛的朋友們,而是幾乎總是存在著一個準備的階段,一段旅程導向這個要點,且對每個人都是相當個人的,也因此有著絕對的必要確實存在著超越這些的一個地點,一個完全充滿的和平,幸福,喜悅,輕盈和明亮的地點,並且神的所有這些品質你都能夠作為神聖輕易識別。

Can you see that all your seeking and searching andmeditating and retreats and webinars and online courses have allbeen about a search for that which is still outside of yourself?,searching for a state of being and when this state is reached thereis a euphoric 'I' ve got it' which is then quickly followed by asubsequent falling out of that state into sadness which leads todespair which leads to disillusionment and perhaps depression. DearOnes, the time it takes to go from the high state of joy andfalling into a depression at the thought of having 'lost it' againcan vary from person to person and from experience to experiencebut if you achieve a state of 'bliss' and find that youconsequently 'lost it' then you have mistaken this temporaryperception of a good feeling for the absolute permanence of abidingin God. And so Dear Ones, there is a place beyond the back andforth of getting it and losing it, there is a solace beyondconventional spirituality with all of its confusing and conflictingtheories and methods, practices and 'steps to happiness'programmes, there is a place beyond all this trying, all thiseffort and all this hard work. This is not to diminish thespiritual journey in any way Dear Ones, there is nearly always apreparatory phase, a journey that leads to this place that isessential and individual to each person and therefore is absolutelynecessary but there is a place beyond this, a place of absolutepermanent peace, happiness, joy, lightness and all the qualities ofGod that you can easily recognise as God. 

讓我再次帶著你們抵達那裡,親愛的朋友們。我確實需要你們的參與,而這次我將在這裡加上一點註解。請注意,這份邀請是接受並不存在“抵達那裡”,因為對你來說不可能的是“不處於那裡”,所以在你這裡並不需要“努力”,請注意,這份邀請是“停止嘗試”而僅僅是允許任何的體驗自然的升起,毫不費力的呼吸著。並且我請你現在與我一起呼吸,親愛的朋友,而我會向你傳遞能量的頻率協助你釋放掉任何在阻塞著你去接納和明晰的一切,它(接納和明晰)就在你的鼻子下面,而且對你來說無需任何努力就可觸及。親愛的朋友們,並不存在著“正在抵達”,你已經在這裡了。允許“神”向你揭示祂自己,邀請“神”不再隱藏,所經由的是輕鬆自在的進入這份覺知中----你不可能會錯意,你不可能失敗,你的成功已被確保。我是主伊曼紐爾。這是我對你的承諾。 親愛的朋友們,鬥爭已經結束,在你的心中與神一同安住吧,在每個呼吸裡,你的生命會以你自己從未想像過的方式揭幕。讓“神”揭示祂自己,此刻與我一同呼吸,並且給與我你們地球時間的10分鐘。讓我向你展示圍繞著你的周圍你可以召喚天堂或是你認為的家。感謝你的參與,它會最終給整個人類帶入一種【合一】的意識形態,改變這顆被以祝福的星球面貌呈現出地球上的天堂。 這便是你為何在此,而你必然完成。 神祝福著你寶貴的心。 我也深愛著你。

Let me take you there once more Dear Ones. I do requireyour participation and this time I will add a little note to this.Please, the invitation is to accept that there is no 'gettingthere' for it is impossible for you to 'not be there' so thisrequires no effort on your part Dear Ones, please the invitation isto STOP TRYING and just allow whatever experience arises to ariseas naturally and effortlessly as breathing. And I ask you tobreathe with me now Dear Ones and I will transmit to youfrequencies of energy that will help release whatever it is that isblocking you from accepting and realising that which is right underyour nose and available to you right now with no effort. Dear Ones,there is no arriving, you are already here. Allow God to revealitself to you, invite God to come out of hiding by relaxing intothe knowing that you can't get this wrong, you can't fail and yoursuccess is guaranteed. I AM Lord Emanuel. This is my promise toYou. Dear Ones, the struggle is over, Abide with God in yourheart with every breath that you take and your life will unfold inways that you could not even dream of. Let God reveal itself,breathe with me now and give me 10 minutes of your Earth time. Letme show you around that which you call Heaven or that which is yourHome. Thank you for your participation in that which willultimately bring the whole of humanity into a conscious state ofOneness and change the face of this Blessed planet to Heaven onEarth. This is why you are here and Thy Will BeDone. God Bless your precious Hearts. ILove you. 

由GillianRuddy於2015年8月9日通靈傳遞   譯者U2覺醒


