2015年8月28日 星期五


摯愛的人們: 請陶醉在神聖之光的實質中。它是源自創造之源清澈純淨的愛,於其
中你生活著,行動著並擁有存在感。當你允許自己向你心中的這份真理醒悟,神聖之愛的力量便轉變了在你心中所有被判定為無價值的一切事物。你正再度的甦醒,面向這份真理以及你真實所是的宏偉。 這也是為何大天使團體在此刻以一種意義深遠的方式工作在塵世的實相中。我們來到這裡並非僅僅是鼓勵,還賦予力量;並非只是激發靈感,還帶來革新;並非僅僅升起這些無知的帷幕,還有照亮你精神面的能力,讓你恆久不斷的被這光芒轉變。你注定成為一位“混合”的存在---一位錨定在塵世的地球,也同時調和著神聖本質的人類---在你的肉身之中把天堂與地球校準對齊,連成一線。

Dear Ones, Revel in the substance that is Divine Light. It is theLiquid Love from the Creative Force in whom you live, move and haveyour being. When you allow yourself to awaken to this truth in yourheart, the power of Divine Love transmutes all that you have judgedas unworthy within you. You are reawakening to the truth andmajesty of who you truly are. That is why the Archangels are working in the Earthlyrealms in such a profound way at this time. We are here to not onlyencourage but to empower, to not only inspire but to transform, tonot only lift the veils of ignorance but to so illuminate yourmental capacities that you are forever transformed by the Light.You are meant to be a blended being — one who is anchored in theEarth and attuned to the Divine Presence — aligned from Heaven toEarth within your physical body.

大天使團體已前來此地,給這個世界帶來所有生命本初之源的光。我們就在這裡,鼓舞與指引著那些願意聆聽並學習如何解脫並獲得自由的人們。並不存在哪個地點是我們無法創造新生活的,以及向那些敞開自己去接納的人們提供它。神聖的引領活躍在這股光芒的智慧中。僅僅是因為你自己在拒絕愛,切斷了你本最希望接收的連接。當你向自己給予愛,你在一種深度的層次獲得了療愈,你的心被點亮,同時你受體的通道也得到激活。這允許了你在這顆星球之上的此一覺醒的新時刻,在神聖之光中去創造新的生活。現在你就能夠開始去創造這種你希望生活其中的結構,以及你未來希望成為的自我面向。 當你讓自己沉浸在神聖的光中,全新的頻率便環繞你的身體,且讓你接通那棲身於你心靈之內的愛與智慧。塵世中的任何力量都無法匹敵這股來自造物主之光的,內在固有的神性。尊重你自我的道路是有意識沉浸在這神聖臨在之中的關鍵。你的心早已對它期待已久。它是你的意識被吸引去體驗的。你面向這神聖臨在之光的覺醒允許了你去發現在世俗界域中暢快高飛的自由,不過也必須建立起明確清晰的可行方法。在沒有多重維度層面的協同工作下你無法給地球帶來真正的天堂,同時接收這些禮物是你靈魂渴求已久的,希望帶入你生活的願望。

The Archangels have come to bring Light from the Sourceof all Life to the world. We are here to inspire and guide thosewho will listen and learn to free and be freed. There is no placewe are not creating new life and offering it to those who are opento receive. Divine Guidance lives in the Intelligence of thisLight. It is only withholding love from yourself that cuts you offfrom what you most want to receive. When you give love to yourself,you are healed at such a deep level that your heart is illuminatedand your receptor channels are activated. This allows you to createnew life from Divine Light in this new time awakening on theplanet. You can begin now to create the structure you want to livein and the future aspects of yourself you want tobecome. When you immerse yourself in Divine Light, newfrequencies entrain the field around your body and you have accessto the love and intelligence that lives within your heart. There isno power on Earth that can match the Divinity inherent in the Lightof God. Reverence for your path is key to conscious immersion inthis loving Presence. It is what your heart longs for. It is whatyour mind is drawn to experience. Your awakening into the Light ofDivine Presence allows you to find the freedom to soar above themundane and yet create in clear practical ways. Without working inmulti-dimensional levels you cannot bring Heaven to Earth andreceive the gifts your Soul has been longing to bring tolife. 

潛藏在如此多人痛苦和受難的遭遇下是靈魂長久的渴望。神聖的聯合是所有願望的根基。當你與自身靈魂渴求已久的心願建立起密切的關聯,這份真理的本質便成為了一個事實。當人們尋求伴侶關係的時候,神聖男性與女性的聯合便處於心中。當人們選擇購買物質商品的時候,他們認為這會使得他們快樂,此時他們正尋求的是自我內在聯合的願望。你們所希望的是填補你內心之中的那些空洞。然而再經常不過的情形是物質事物的獲得併不能滿足你的“心願”,為此也耗費了大量的時間。 請再度回歸你自我的深處,一次又一次的去打開你靈魂的大門,在其中是你內在渴求已久的禮物。這裡存在著一份對於愛的覺醒,為你而提供,而你所連接的是這份充盈滿溢的真實之愛,作為一份禮物傾瀉而出。這需要的是在你深度的內在核心中去連接優先於創造力的神聖聯合的源頭,它會在你遵從於它的時候滋養你。

This longing of the Soul is under the pain and sufferingof so many people. Divine Union is at the basis of all desire. Whenyou commune deeply within your Soul's longing, the essence of thistruth becomes a reality. When people seek partnership, the union ofthe sacred masculine and feminine is at the heart. When peoplechoose to buy the material things that they believe will make themhappy, it is the desire for union within the self they are seeking.You are wanting to fill the empty places within you. Very often theacquiring of a physical object does not satisfy your longing for asubstantial length of time. Coming back to the depth of yourself again and againopens the doorways to your Soul, where the true gifts you long forlive within you. There is an awakening to the love that is beingprovided for you, and your connection to this overflowing fountainof true love is available as a gift. This need to connect to Sourceof Divine Union within the depth of your being is paramount tocreativity and will feed you when you honor it. 

就在你變成行走於這顆星球之上的純然神聖時,在這樣的創造力中所有的創造都等待著你,同時自你的人類軀體之內會全面輻射出你靈魂色彩的光芒。這便是“光體”如何被創造的原因。源自於對神聖之愛光輝的接納,喚醒了你的心靈面向神聖智慧的宏偉,通過可向你開啟的智慧管道不斷擴展,而這一連接的輻射之光便成為了完全的“神聖聯合” 。 不論你是否懷疑它,你都在物質/情緒的層面被修飾著,因為神聖聯合是你靈魂渴求去經驗的。你的【善於接納】打開了一個通道,擴展並開啟更高頻率。我們在要求你的是---成為一位此刻可利用的神聖智慧的“接受者”。你內 ​​在真實的美麗與神聖源頭的校準對齊正轉變著你結構的完整性,處於與你靈魂天賦的完美和諧中。由於你更多的持有這種神聖的連接,一種融合的發生允許你細胞的結構以水晶結構的形態輻射出新生命的光彩。這是你作為神之子的真實傳承,因為你的起源曾是水晶結構的頻率形態。

All Creation awaits you in this activity as you becomepure Divinity walking the Earth and living the fullest radiance ofyour Soul within a human body. That is how the Light Body iscreated. From the acceptance of the brilliance of Divine Loveawakening in your heart to the breadth of Divine Intelligenceexpanding through the channels of wisdom available to you, theradiance of this connection becomes full Divine Union. Whether or not you suspect it, you are being groomed onthe physical/emotional level for the Divine Union your Soul longsto experience. Your receptive channels are expanding and opening tothe higher frequencies. We are asking you to be a receiver for theDivine Wisdom now available. The true beauty within your alignmentwith Source energy is transforming your structural integrity to bein harmony with the gifts of your Soul. As you hold more of thisdivine connection , a melding takes place that allows your cellularstructure to radiate new life in crystalline form. This is yourtrue inheritance as a child of God, because your original form waswithin the crystalline frequencies. 

由於在自身的內在持有更多的光,所有那無法與這些頻率對齊的一切都被驅離,由此你也獲得自由。這份你在生命中所尋找的自由所依賴的是你與“一切萬有”之間連接的力度決定(譯者:即你是否尊重一切眾生,是否不傷害任何生命)。沉浸在神聖之光中允許了與所有生命之源的連接,帶給你無窮盡的駐留在自由中的滿足感,並在每時每刻讓你處於與真理校準的狀態中。 由於你向內觀照內在最深度的真相,你發現自己已走上了“心靈之路”。在這條道路上巨大的跨越是可能的,如果你能夠允許自己的心融入到神聖之愛中。一切生命的源頭對你沒有任何需求,而是你全然的臣服於你內在的神聖聯合中。這份神聖聯合的本質獲得了擴展,進入多重維度的實相,從而允許你參與到在光中不斷被塑造的全新結構中。

As you hold more Light within your being, all that cannotalign with these frequencies drops away and you are free. Thefreedom that you seek in life is dependent on the power of theconnection you feel to All That Is. Immersion in Divine Lightallows connection to the Source of all life and brings to you theultimate satisfaction of remaining free and in alignment with thetruth of you moment to moment. As you look within your deepest Truth, you find yourselfon the Path of the Heart. Great strides are possible on this pathif you can allow your heart to melt into Love. The Source of AllLife requires nothing of you but your total allegiance to being inUnity within yourself. This essence of Divine Union is expandedinto multidimensional realms to allow you to partake of the newstructures being created in Light. 

從這個地點,所有一切會因為你允許自己坐落在純淨的神性之愛的場域中而相繼展開。接通這份力量的權限來自於你與愛協同一致的全部力量的融匯---不管它是什麼。在每個單一光子的內部都含有著智能無限的創造面和神聖之愛。一次次的返回你內在深度的愛,開啟了通往你靈魂的大門,而你也會意識到---愛就在此刻,也永遠向你提供著滋養。 你與這份溢流而出的真實之愛的基礎的連接是一份禮物。所有你需要去做的便是校准你自身去面向【神聖之光的實質】,隨後敞開你的心靈和意識去接收。那就是如此 !

From that place, all will unfold as you allow yourself tosit in the purity of a field of Divine Love. Accessing this powercomes from meeting it with the full force of your agreement to love— no matter what. Within every photon of Light is the creativeaspects of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love. Coming back tothe depth of love within yourself again and again opens thedoorways to your Soul and your awareness that love is beingprovided for you now and always. Your connection to this overflowing Fountain of True Loveis a gift. All you need to do is to align your being with theSubstance of Divine Light, then open your heart and mind toreceive. And so it is.

由 Shanta Gabriel 於2015年8月21日通靈傳遞

