2018年9月30日 星期日



There can be a tendency in enlightening human beings to think that if they have not reached a certain level of mastery, they cannot be of service. Your growth always serves the whole. Your experiences add to the expansion of both your soul and the planet. You will always be a little further along on the path than others who are just getting started, and have wisdom and encouragement to offer them along the way, just as there will be others to assist you on your journey, as well.


While your learning may be a long and winding road based on what knowledge your soul wishes to remind itself of during this incarnation, ultimately all the seeking will lead to the same place, that of love, compassion, peace, acceptance, and gratitude. It is when you choose to anchor and embody those basics that you shimmer and shine the brightest and contribute the most. Never, ever, underestimate the effect of your beingness, or your simple, loving acts of service, for they are far more powerful and transformative than you could ever imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



If you choose to stay in a space of openness and curiosity, your flow will be able to move at its optimal pace for you, unimpeded by any constraints or attempts at control your inner doubter may try to impose. A non-resistant human being is delightful to work with because they are so easily moved into the perfect right time/right place scenarios. We absolutely love orchestrating divine intersections. It is one of our favourite things to do, using our creativity and vantage point to set things up for you in ways that are sure to surprise and delight you, and then getting to watch your reactions. It is how we experience joyful service for it expands our hearts just as much as it expands yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


