It is well understoodthat one of the principal facilitators that derail long lastingtransformation is due to the rise of seeing and allowing unwantedtruths about yourself and because of any self-centered ideal. Oneof the most harmful manifestations of self-centeredness is found inwastefulness. When you add greed, self-indulgent behaviours,laziness and believing in your own illusions as truth what you haveconspired to is your ability to cultivate an attitude that isdirected towards the materialistic world that allows you to wastewhatever resources that are before you. Now, after all this timeyou are beginning to see how harmful and damaging wastefulness isto your earthly home…such damage is visible in the animal kingdombut blatantly apparent within your societies.
When you become aware of yourwasteful tendencies, it is then necessary to recognize the state ofmind that you are in and try to understand why you are ignoringyour own actions. We hope that by witnessing your own wastefulactions, you'll become prompted to change and moderate yourattitude and behaviour towards your life and towards the life ofall others that share this earthly home. There are many newschannels, newspapers and reports created for the purpose to educateabout the effects of over-consumption has to earth and to the humanbody. After you filter through all the fear-governed material, youcome to realize the truth that is there, that you are responsiblefor your wastefulness and it is apparent to make some necessarychanges to become lesscareless of the bounty of Mother Nature and of yourSelf.
It has always beenimportant to meet the needs of your whole being, and you can dothis by taking care of your body by adopting a healthier lifestyle.When you take care of your body, you are also taking care of yourmind, heart and spirit as you are able to recognize that they workbest when all is in harmony of each other. If one aspect is out ofsync then it is easy to attract dis-ease, mental and emotionaldisharmony and other maladies that may arise when you areimbalanced of mind, body, heart and spirit. Instead of fallingvictim to the many temptations life has to distract you with thatwould encourage you to deprive yourself of certain necessities, weencourage you to seek a path between strict self-discipline anddecadent indulgence.
Some of the many distractions andtemptations come in the forms of abuse using certain substances,watching too much television, staying on social media pages for toolong, gossiping, over-eating and any other forms that describe anover-indulgent attitude all take your precious energy that isrequired when you do inner work. Self-discipline when appliedregularly will encourage moderation on your extravagant behaviourand attitude and works to help you aspire and to achieve certainspiritual and personal goals. When you become more disciplined youbegin looking for ways to become more useful of energy, you learnthe benefits of conserving energy and how to make it available foryour own individual practice. In addition, self-discipline willpromote balance and strength to your own Will, which dear onesdirectly transforms into increasing your own presence. When yougive up the self-indulgent lifestyle you are really making asacrifice. You are agreeing to give up your wasteful andextravagant ways to better serve a higher purpose and to beginemptying yourself of your egotistic ways.
After contemplating,reflecting and from all your observations of how you have wastedyour precious energy, it is understood dear ones that you may beencouraged to change your ways all at once. What can occur when youtry to overreach your changes is that you become overwhelmed andmistakes will pile up and you will reach failure and give up andbecome even more self-indulgent than before. What we encourage isthat when you begin to make changes to your inner person, you beginwith small changes…working on one behaviour at a time. Once youmaster the new change of one particular behaviour then you candecide which other indulgencies you are ready totackle without being tempted to revertback to your wasteful ways and habits.
We have witnessed many dear soulsbecoming obsessed with self-discipline, forgetting thatself-discipline is just one of many means that brings you topurification and presence, which allows your unlimited spirit toemerge. When becoming more self-disciplined becomes an obsession,what is evident dear ones is the ego once again has gained controlover your goal to become more disciplined. Moderation is the key,gaining a healthy balance in all areas of your life that has theability to filter into other areas is necessary even if you aretrying to moderate your ways through your efforts to become moreself-disciplined.
Before we end thisweek's transmission, we urge you to take a look at your pastactions and identify when you may have over-indulged to the pointit deterred you from your inner work. With the conclusions youfind, pick one of the self-indulging behaviours and find ways tomoderate it and temper your own behaviour and attitude that willserve a higher, and better purpose.
Love your body, andlove your earth…your actions will demonstrate this love as theywill be pure of heart by the choices you make. Even though sciencehas advanced in all fields, all self-improvements can be madewithout spending any more than you already do and quite likelyyou'll save a few dollars as you learn to curb any self-indulgentways in favour of balance and moderation.
就是如此 And so itis…
我是揚升大師Serapis Bey
I AM Ascended Master,SerapisBey
通靈:Julie Miller 翻譯:Nick Chan