Today we would liketo focus your attention upon the year of 2015. As many of you knowwe do not particularly like to give “future predictions” simplybecause your future is not set; rather it is constantly changingbased on the decisions you make in the now moment. However the“future” energy of the human collective is far more stable than anyone individual is. The reason being is that it is based on thedecisions of the masses, rather than simply one individual'schoices. We will not focus upon events or occurrences, but ratherthe energy and experiences that will likely manifest continually ineach of your lives over the course of this next year; your calendaryear of 2015.
As we have said manytimes this year, 2014 would be a year of trust and faith. Many ofyou have now experienced a multitude of circumstances this yearthat have tested your ability to hold your trust and faith in thedesired outcome rather than to lose yourself if the chaos thatunfolds before you. Holding your focus regardless of what takesplace around you is a crucial and critical step in learning how totake charge of your own lives. As you each regain the ability tobecome master creators within the physical realm, you have eachundoubtedly had experiences where you were able to remain focusedand successfully manifested your desired outcome, as well as amultitude of challenging experiences that tested your faith andbelief in your ability to do so. This is to be expected; as you areeach learning to stabilize your thoughts and release yourfears.
The year of 2015brings forward the strong energy of progress. Many of you will findthat much of what you have been tirelessly working towards creatingwill come to fruition in this year. This is not to say that everywish will be granted; however we would say that by the end of 2015many of you will look back at your year and see a tremendous amountaccomplished. As we often say, all energy contains an innate ebband flow within it. You have had several years of reflection,integration and release and you are now ready and able to onceagain propel yourselves forward. The years in which the energysupports movement and progress can often feel a bit chaotic to somewho do not see the true potential in using the energy to theiradvantage. However, if you can remain focused and know that all iscoming together in divine timing you will surely be amazed at whatyou will be able to accomplish this year. Some may find this to bedaunting, but it is our hope that many of you see the wonderfulblessings that inherently come with years such as these.
The most importantlesson to be gained in this upcoming year is to remain focused onthe end result you wish to manifest as this year will be filledwith a lot of happenings. This will be felt on an individual levelas well as on a collective level. As your year of 2015 draws to anend many of you will look back and wonder how so much could havehappened in just one short year as you will each be propelledforward further than any one year has taken you prior to this. Whatonce could have only been accomplished in the span of an entiredecade will be accomplished in this short year.
We hope that you lookto this upcoming year with excitement and wonder. Though we remindyou to hold a very clear picture of what you desire to accomplish.This year may very well feel like a whirlwind for the majority ofyou but that does not have to mean that it can not be a wonderful,exciting and thrilling whirlwind. So we encourage you to use theenergy to your advantage to launch yourselves into new spaces youhave never dared to dwell before.
We hope that thismessage has in some way served you, and that we have been ofservice to you in some way.
In love and light weare your Angelic Guides
通靈:TarynCrimi 翻譯:NickChan