Dear Hearts how deeply each of you are loved. Even ondays you are behaving your worst, God is still there at your sideilluminating a path just for you to take. Even though you know youare loved and you know you are never truly alone, you often setyourself up as being both judge and critic to not only yourself butof everyone else. Just by how a person appears, do thoughtsconcerning their clothing, hair, cleanliness, body language oranything else become fixed in your mind? You are always evaluatingothers by their appearances, making a determination if they aregood or bad, whether they are likable or deserve your contempt. Itis through your judgements of others that you decide who is ofvalue in your life and who is not. This kind of practice is quitesimilar to when a farm animal is up for auction. From all thejudging that goes on within your busy mind, it is thenunderstandable how you are able to easily slander another dear soulbased entirely on their appearance, without attempting to discoverthe person beneath those appearances. Always try to remember thatpeople are more than what they seem.
There is a certain attitude of morality that isobvious of people who choose to judge others and this attitude hasan ability to effect the ones they are judging and labeling. Whatyou are really doing when you are judging someone else is that youare purposely looking for faults. Is fault-finding that necessary?Is your ego that big that you need to find fault in another dearsoul even if that fault is superimposed by your imagination? Everytime you find yourself falling into this negative habit, you areacting in a way that does not represent the goodness and purity ofyour heart.
Is it necessary to judge people all of the time? WellDear Hearts that truly depends on the situation doesn't it. If youare about to make a big purchase, or finalize a business deal, youneed to discriminate all possibilities before you make a bindingcommitment. You are not going to go down a dark alley at night outof caution for your safety. There are other situations such asthese that require your ability to discern but not necessarily doyou need to find fault in every situation. What is definitelyneeded Dear Hearts is you improving your perception, becoming morediscriminating while respecting those in your company andyourself.
When participate in finding fault in others, you aremaking a value judgement that is more negative than it is positive.Every time you look for faults, you are determining theworthlessness of that person and it comes down to how much youdislike, disapprove or of your inability to relate to them. Whenyou choose to discriminate by discerning, what is occurring is youare using some heart-wisdom and seeing just the person as theyare…no more, no less. The majority of people you encounter on aday-to-day basis, you truly have no need to judge, nor discriminateor find faults with them. What is needed more often is to let go ofthe habit to find fault with other people in order to discover thatthey too have an inner light to shine. When you are able to accepta person for who they are regardless how they appear, then you opena door of incredible joy that is found just by being with otherpeople, without the negativity of judgments, assumptions,devaluating or dehumanization. Accepting people at first glancewithout creating a burden upon your path that is caused when youjudge, is a beautiful and divine action that each of you can employand make better.
Weknow you are hard on yourself and easily find fault with yourself.How many times have you sabotaged something that was good in yourlife out of fear or thinking you were not good enough or not doingthe right thing the right way? No one forces you to feel anyway atany time. You always have the choice how to feel at any situation.There are some instances that you are expected to cry, to feel painor upset; possibly a loved one passed away, maybe you are goingthrough a divorce, your children have moved to another country orfar enough away where visits are not frequently possible. It isnormal to have feelings and to judge what is best during suchevents. But have you ever considered what it would be like if youcould accept yourself just as you are and be completely contentwith this person? What about, how it would feel if you were to giveup complaining, wallowing in self-pity or even self-judgement? Lookat how much energy you would have if you did. Do you not realizeDear Hearts that when you find fault with yourself , you separateyourself from your true, deeper nature? This also happens when youchoose to find fault and judge others, you are not bringingyourself closer, but creating a larger gap.
You allow yourself to become distracted in thenegative actions you take part in from the self-hatred to thelabelling you to do those around you no matter if they arestrangers or people you know. When you accept your situation forwhat it is, you are also accepting the people that are present,yourself and maintaining respect and value for who you are as aperson and who each other person is as their own individual self.You can bring an objective discriminating approach into anysituation and it will transform before you and help you determinewhere improvements need to be implemented and watch your lifeimprove.
What we encourage Dear Hearts is for you to simplyjust be and relax when you are in the presence of others. Refrainfrom finding fault as it serves nothing positive and is far frombeing uplifting. You do not need to inwardly judge and criticizeevery person that passes by you . What you can do is accept who youare and accept who they and that is enough.
就是如此 And so it is,
IAM Archangel Sandalphon