To be present, in thehere and now is a wonderful confirmation of your aliveness that youhave not given up on yourself, or where this fabulous journey istaking you on. To not give up is a great demonstration that hope isalive within you, and that you have found something regardless howsmall it may appear, to believe in, to hope for, to aspire for;something to smile about, even if that smile for the time being isonly felt within you and has not yet radiated outside ofyou.
In truthdear ones, there is no happiness or misery until you label it sofrom any experience you'vehad that provided you ample comparison to discern the difference.Until you label a moment or day to be happy or miserable, it ismerely a day that offers grand opportunities and potential to feelmore, to be more and to experience more that provides incrediblegrowth and development that filters into all avenues of your personand journey.
When hope is alive in your heart,you are willing to wait, to be patient knowing that any peril youmay have to face will provide you with the wisdom needed to achieveeach and every interval you enter and surpass. It takes greatdiscipline to be able to wait for something to unfold or for allyour hard work to pay off when you have been working hard onachieving a goal, or succeeded a task that needed to be done. Butyou know from experience how much personal satisfaction you feelwhen you have persevered, you have worked and waited and theoutcome is the reflection of all your heart and soul effort—itholds a magical feeling of completeness knowing you finishedsomething you started, you followed through until all necessarysteps were accomplished. Hope dear ones, helps bring you to suchsuccesses and fulfilling outcomes.
Television,newspapers and Internet sites that host information about anythingand everything are constantly reminding everyone of the hostilityand upset that is raging in many different parts of this bountifulplanet. It is easy to say that these happenings are not fair, andyou are right, but just as there are such dark situations beingfaced by many dear souls, there are just as many things that arefair in life, just as many situations that are joyous, good andcompassionate. Love always mingles with grief and in time this lovegives way to new hope for a brighter future that starts with changetoday, and not just change from all the feuding individuals, butchange started with you… changes that gives you hope to betteryourself because when you begin to make positive changes in yourown life, you are helping to bring change to the world.
We know you want sodesperately at times to help every dear soul that you see beingexploited across your TV sets or newspapers, but the best thing youcan do dear ones is figure out what you want and what you hope forand begin to turn those ideas into reality. Don't fall into thedark, dismal pit of despair when you see the many catastrophes madefront and center by journalists, photographers and others who feelit necessary for you to know the woes of the world in those places.What you can do dear ones is live inside of hope right where youare. Not admire or send emotional prayer from a distance, butembrace hope right where you are. There are many things you can doto help right in your own community if you are unable to help thosethat are thousands of miles away. Being of charitable servicedoesn't require a plane ticket, you have all you need sometimes atyour fingertips or in your own neighbourhood in the city or townwhich you reside in.
This is the time ofyear when many lonely dear souls find themselves feeling morehopeless than hopeful. Perhaps they have had a run of bad luck ormisfortune and find themselves living in hostels, shelters, on thestreet, or just alone without loved ones. Hope is not a luxury. Itis something everyone has, but something that sometimes getsforgotten when circumstances become overwhelming. When you seesomeone that appears to be down, going through some personalstruggle, offer them a kind and genuine smile, let them know theyare not so alone. Sometimes people forget they are alive as theyare trying so hard to get past their grief of whatever they havelost, but they have yet so much to gain and sometimes need a littlereminder that things always get better. Sometimes reaching better,happier times takes a little while, but if a person really wants toleave the dark, dismal pit of despair, then they need to reacquaintthemselves with hope and add a little faith for goodmeasure.
Remember dear ones, to love lifeis to live life even if there are parts that you disagree with.Even if beliefs and old ways of being seems to be crumbling downall around you, you need to remind yourself things are going to getbetter. You are making room for new when the old is on its way out.Don't fear the new, embrace with an open heart and mind, trustingin God and in yourself that you are where you are meant tobe.
Your feelings alwayshave a lot to tell you, but you need to be paying attention inorder to get their meaning and message. Try to imagine how heavyyour heart, mind and spirit feels when you allow your Self to befilled with despair and grief for too long. The quicker you relieveyourself of its weight the lighter and happier you'll feel. Thendear ones you'll be able to hold your life in the palm of yourhands and decide what it is you want to do because you have hopefor yourself and for the journey you are one. Smile when you arefacing difficulties, and tell yourself, “YES I will persevere, Iwill continue on because I have so much yet to offer life and lifehas so much to offer me.”
Let hope be yourcompanion on this journey. Don't forget she is there with you,whispering in your ever-so quietly to try again, to not give upbecause what you are aiming to reach and accomplish could very wellbe just around the corner. And if for some reason you have not yetreached the outcome you've envisioned, you have gained so muchvaluable knowledge of the world around you but most of allrealization of your own strengths and capabilities. You are a giftto the world, but in order to appreciate this gift, you mustacknowledge yourself as the gift you are.
就是如此 And so itis,
我是揚升大師Serapis Bey
I AM Ascended Master,SerapisBey
I AM Ascended Master,SerapisBey
通靈:Julie Miller 翻譯:Nick Chan