Today we would like to focus your attention upon yourholographic reality; one which appears to be so very real as itseemingly fabricates the challenges that you face and the obstaclesthat you must surmount. Now, this is not to say that the obstaclesdo not exist, rather we would say they exist from your mindsperspective. You have the ability to change the picture any timethat you wish, all you must do is change your focus.
We would like to dedicate this message to those ofyou who are in need of some re-focusing so that the images thatappear before you are more in line with what you wish to see. As wehave said many times, the perceiver is responsible for determiningwhether any experience is seen as positive or negative. There aremany extremes within your reality and you are capable of seekingboth the positive and negative in any and allcircumstances.
Certainly, it is easy tobecome engrossed in your everyday lives, within the struggles anddifficulties that each one of you undoubtedly face. But we wouldlike to remind you that you are not the body that you walk uponyour Earth in, you are a limitless soul who seeks to express itselfin every way possible. You have no boundaries or limitations otherthan the ones you place upon yourselves. We see so many becomedisheartened in their search to create the life they wish tomanifest; when they become so caught up in how their dreams areallowed to manifest that they cannot see that the road block theytemporarily experience is simply placed upon their path to ensurethat they are rerouted to a more direct and appropriate path inwhich to reach their desired destination. The road block is not theend dear, it is simply a detour to a betterroute.
So very often so many are creating dreams based uponwhat they think they can actually manifest, rather than what theytruly wish to create for themselves. Essentially many findthemselves settling for far less because they do not dare to dreamfor more. We remind you, just because it isn't here yet, doesn'tmean it isn't coming. Do not believe all that you see before you,as it is projected by the thoughts and fears that you hold withinyour mind. Feed your dreams by starving your fears. Both cannotremain in the same space as they require opposite vibrations tomanifest.
You must focus your attention so strongly upon thefaith that you have in your ability to create all that you wish tocreate so that the fears have no other option but to fall away.This is how you dismantle the holographic images of fear as theycannot remain on your path if you hold your focus upon your desiredoutcome so intently that no other outcome could possibly manifest.The fears and worries that you have for tomorrow are not here inyour now. Remember, it is not your job to determine how yourdesires are allowed to manifest; you must only focus upon what youwish to create. It will come if you let it; it must as life issimply a mirror reflecting back to you all that you project uponthis holographic screen, which you currently believe to be yourreality. It is of your own making. Look past your fears, and focusyour attention upon that which you wish to summon to you. You canbegin right now to wipe away the images upon your life “screen”that generate fear within you as you fuel your dreams with yourfaith that you can create so much more. Remember dears, it's just adream, so dream something great!
We hope that we have served you in some way and thatour message finds those of you who are in need of itmost.
In love and light, we are your AngelicGuides
通靈:Taryn Crimi 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Taryn Crimi 翻譯:Nick Chan