At this time whenyour spirit is improving and expanding, go after things that willnurture it. An exhibition adorned with colors that reaches out toyour soul, a music with amazing notes, an art work what will touchyour soul. Watch how beauty dances around you, how your heartexpands and your inner beauty rises up. Whatever there is that willcover you in silk in every sense, make you feel light and inbalance, in all your layers, let that be your food. Whatever yourSoul, body, feeling and thoughts needs, just that. Thus, thatbeauty that blooms inside will flow from you with its smell, color,shine, and reach the authentic you. That will be the moment whenmiracles come true. At the strongest instant of creation, thebeauty that emanates from you will surround you , become aninspiration.
愛與光 Love andLight,
大天使約菲爾 ArchAngelJophiel
通靈:Gulcin Onel(Mavinin Sesi) 翻譯:Nick Chan