2014年12月15日 星期一

【娜達夫人】 20141211 《辨別你的差別》


Beautiful Bright Hearts, you know what opposites are:Good from bad, beautiful from homely, night to day, etc. you findyourselves each day bombarded by things that you judge regardlessif you are stimulated by what is on your television or what pops upin your mind . It has become commonplace to categorize people andthings depending on the comparison or judgement youmake.


In some places that you occupy; perhaps school, theworkplace or similar places have rules and regulations againstmaking judgments against others. In such places you are encouragedto accept your differences, to look for what is similar as no oneis better or worse than anyone. In these places you are urged tobecome flexible.


Beautiful Bright Hearts it's vitally important tounderstand the seriousness of what judgement is and does—judgementcreates a polarization affect. Have you ever took the time toponder why many places such as the place you work, schools, sportsteams, and other organizations have moved away from judgement ? Itis too easy to condemn an​​other dear soul, to bad-mouth what youfind distasteful, to stereotype or segregate yourself from othersfrom previous conditioned prejudices. The labeling you do isbecause of the judgements you apply.


It is understanding that you need to distinguishyourself, to know what is different, but it is knowing what issimilar that makes all the difference, it is what is meant to bringyou together, not further apart. It important to be able todetermine what you think is right or wrong, good or bad andsometimes discerning can be a difficult challenge. And yet, thetruth of the matter here dearest Beautiful Hearts is that beforeyou start comparing yourself with another, try to keep in mind thatsome people are just better than others at certain things . Noteveryone is meant to be a talented tennis player, or a greatartist, or anything else that can be considered. But you can enjoyplaying tennis regardless of your skill, you can enjoyparticipating in creative work that is artistic in nature, you cando so many things with the ability that you already have, making itpossible to hone and become better or be happy how it is. Hurtinganother dear soul for having a talent or from spending long hoursworking on the development of one is not something that comes fromthe heart, it comes from the ego.


Because of the huge demand of people in the schools,workplace, and other organizations to become more accepting ofothers, many dear souls feel pressured and this feeling turns intostress and the focus of the job, or the task or objective of anygoal becomes lessened as everyone is too busy trying not to step onany toes. What often occurs dear ones is that children often growup with little to no discipline, insensitive behaviour isoverlooked and any form of vandalism or damage to buildings and soon is accepted. Employees can become untidy with their efforts andpossibly unmotivated if they have nothing to compare themselves toin order to establish what is good compared to what is mediocre.Such deterioration Beautiful Bright Hearts is becoming known inmany areas that you occupy due to the absence of makingdistinctions from others due to the fear of possibly upsettingsomeone or possibly offending another by choosing not to includethem.


So what do you do if you're not supposed to judge,but you still need to determine what is right to what is wrong andso forth? Well dear ones you learn to discern. Discernment mayappear a lot like judgement, but the difference between these twoapproaches to how you define those around you is significantlydifferent.


First, understand what judgement is: It is anopinion, a criticism or contempt and is used as a form of power tocompare or decide. Judgement feeds the hungry ego and when youjudge another dear soul you are passing a determining sentence. Howmany of you know what it feels like to be judged wrongfully? Itdoes hurt, it stings worse than someone pulling sticky tape of yourarm and the feeling of this hurt doesn't go away quickly, it hasstaying power that can last years and cause much damage in themeantime.


Now, when we speak of discernment, you are using amore personal and conscious approach to how you view the world andthose around you. When you discern, you are making use of yourcognitive abilities to distinguish what is appropriate compared towhat is inappropriate. When you use discernment you are makingchoices that are amiable for you and for others. When you discern,you are not clouded by emotional reactions, you are seeing clearlybeyond the separateness and seeing into the trueness of the person.When you discern you are tapping into something much deeper thanwhat is passed when you judge another through egoicperception.


Beautiful Bright Hearts, what you tend to judgeprimarily comes from something that caused a rea​​ction from you.When you discern, you are putting your judgemental mind to rest,bringing yourself to a place of calm. It is not easy when youmingle every day with a wide variety of individuals that aredifferent from you in many ways. It is important to comprehend thatmany of your reactions and heated responses comes directly fromfear, possible jealousy, ignorance and any insecurities you haven'tyet examined or admitted to having. If you were more confident withyour ability to speak with grace and tact, you would most likelyspend less time criticizing others for their differences, you wouldspend more time appreciating their sameness. Making the effort tounderstand, despite any differences will help you to see thatgoodness lives in every person of every culture and in every personis the capacity to love, to forgive, to be at peace with themselvesand the rest of the world.


When you make use of the power to discern, you aredemonstrating understanding for yourself as well as for others. Youdiscover compassion plays a huge role, it opens doors to suffering,pain and loss you would not have normally witnessed if you stayedwithin the constricting walls the judgemental ego often imprisonsyou in. As a result, your human, loving side is revealed. Seeingsuffering in others brings about humbleness and appreciation andencourages your need and want to help bring change no matter thesize that would be supportive, good and less painful to the world .And you do this best dear ones by bringing positive change to yourown life and ways. When you are working within the powers ofdiscernment you are able to recognize God as a masterful artist,dotting your view with a majestic landscape of colours and vibrancyof life for you to discover and embrace.


Negative people always put people down, you know thisas many of you have felt the sting of their worded assault. Angercarries negative energy, it is not healthy for the one who givingthe lashing and it's definitely not healthy for the one receivingit. In such instances that demonstrate negativity and hostility,you are given the choice to not label this person who is beingoffensive with their use of words and anger as being “bad.” Youknow this kind of person is not good for you, so you use thisexperience as something to learn from and how to use clearperception to avoid getting into such circumstances and by notwanting to be better or worse than anyone.


Becoming more aware of those around you, being morethoughtful and mindful does have its payoffs Beautiful BrightHearts. Discerning every day good choices and right actions speaksof a profound, inner knowing of the heart. To get to this pointdear ones, it is up to you to learn how to quiet your busy mind soyou can discern what is real to what is unreal. To be able to makedistinctions to what you already attribute to, such as what isthought as being right or wrong, what is painful to what ispleasant, knowing these feelings are not the true nature of whatis. It is the inner essence or inner energy of all things that theSpirit of God inhabits, and it is this very divine nature thatconstitutes your true nature of being.


To deepen your awareness, you are encouraged to maketime to meditate or to pray. To permit yourself to go beyond yourmind's tendency to comment, to analyze, and to judge…judgementdoesn't serve you well in any form of meditation, but discernmentdoes. When you make use of discernment instead of being judgementalyou are bringing clarity and true perception into play, wherejudgements only served the illusions of your busy mind.


It is for the betterment of your growth anddevelopment in all areas of your life that help to cultivate yourability to look beyond the actions and attitudes of others anddiscern from the heart and see the unchanging universe within eachbeautiful soul. Remember Beautiful Bright Hearts, it is yoursameness that will join you so you can build understanding to whatis different. Can you change your views? Of course you can, butfirst you must look within yourself and determine withoutjudgement, and discern what it is that needs the most change, andbegin there.


Each of you are gifts to the world, bestowed by God.Be the gifts you are, be in the present and love one another justas you are, just as they are, just as God loves you.

就是如此   And so it is…


I AM Ascended Master, Lady Nada

通靈:Julie Miller   翻譯:Nick Chan

