On the 22nd of yourSeptember, you are all going to enter a photonic belt of light, foras your solar system has indeed stepped foot onto the new accord,the planet on which all of you re are finding yourselves shall takethe next step in its evolutionary process , bringing with it, thepeace and harmony of the ages past and the ages that are yet tocome. A photonic belt of purple recognition principles shall rollout a new set of accords for your planet. The portals of the pastshall reintegrate with the portals of the NOW moment oftime.
Your ego shall betransformed into a new state of being. Your ego is not going todisappear, it shall simply take a backseat to your thoughtprocesses, and you shall begin to see the world through a differentset of eyes.
You shall begin tofeel the changes in those around you, you shall notice that theirfrequency has indeed changed. For as their ego dominance isequalized and comforted with the new energies of the coming times,they shall relinquish the power of their egos, and allow theirhigher selves to take hold of that which they are.
And so, your vehiclesshall then be operated from the view stand point of your higherselves rather than ego. From this vantage point, you shall all beable to view the lives that you have created, evaluate thedirection in which you are moving, and adjust your frequencythereby aligning you with a new path of your choosing.
You shall be able toreview your lives without attachment to the material, withoutattachment to that which you are. For you shall temporality forgetthat which you believe you are, and be allowed to view your livesas if you were viewing it from the heavenly abodes of your higherselves . As if you were experiencing what is called in your knownworld as the “near death experience” without being in any pain norsuffering. For the meditative state into which you all shall enter,a hibernation state if you will, shall allow your physical humanmind to operate with a different set of accords, thereby literallylifting your soul out of your body for recognition andrectification purposes of your being.
For you shall begreeted by your guides, and they shall assist you in viewing yourlife and making various adjustments to the past that you haveexperienced. And when this moment shall occur you shall be allowedand assisted in etherically returning to the points of the pain andreleasing the old patterns of thinking. This shall and will occurspontaneously, randomly as you become aware of your guides, as youbecome aware of the space around you, as you truly allow thisconnection to occur.
And when suchconnection occurs and you travel back in time to the aspects ofyourself whom you have indeed created for your selves, theseaspects shall then be allowed to be let go of. And as such, aftersaying your goodbyes, your egos shall then be put into a state ofhibernation, whereby they shall only be activated upon the approvalof your higher selves. For the new age that you are have all movedinto shall not allow the ego too be in the driving seat and shallmonitor your thoughts and actions carefully adjusting your energyflow as you go about your day.
You shall beginnoticing various mood swings, in your psyche, whereby you will beprompted to replace “the thoughts of the past with the thoughts tothe NOW. You shall find yourselves being a bit confused with thefeelings and information you shall receive.
Nevertheless it isall a process of integrating the new foundation of newly formedprinciples. For all that we are discussing with you has indeed beenordained by your higher selves, and as such your vessels are simplybeing aligned with that which has already occurred. For your higherselves have indeed requested these changes and hence you areexperiencing and shall experience them as we speak.
Know that this is anatural sate of progression from the fully material and solid worldinto a more liquid and fluent world of your being. For you shallbegin noticing physical changes within your bodies, as yourstructure becomes more liquid and etheric, as you move furtherstill through the corridor of ascension.
For the ascensionshall continue to be in effect and shall finally bring you to thepoint of not return. The point from which you shall not be able toreturn to the solidity of the world you once knew. Hence many ofyou shall experience the loss and emptiness as you say yourgoodbyes to the three dimensional experience, once and forall.
All of this shall bewelcomed by your vehicles in stages, as it is simply not possibleat this moment in time to completely transform your vehicles into anew state of being overnight.
And so as you shallcontinue to operate on both frequencies, constantly being movedfrom one end of the spectrum to another. Let it be known that youshall all bare witness to the internal and external changes, andlet it be known that you have been prepared very well to withstandthe necessary conditions and changes that shall occur within andwithout.
For all is goingaccording to the divine blueprint that has indeed been preordainedand set forth by all those who are reading these messages. And so,we ask that you pay careful attention to the urges of yourvehicles, pay careful attention to the psyche of your being. Paycareful attention to the guidance that you are receiving. For yourlives shall never be the same. For your path shall not be the same,for your duties to act as beacons of light shall increase ever somuch. For you shall indeed be drawn to a new set of realities,thinking patterns, and ways of being.
Know that we arestanding by you ready to assist you in all that you are. Know thatwe love an you unconditionally. Know that we are walking with youhand in hand, and foot in foot. Know that you can call upon uswhenever you wish. Know that it is so. For it is.
這就是今天要講的。我們愛你 ! 我們與你在一起 ! 暫別。
For all is goingaccording to the divine blueprint that has indeed been preordainedand set forth by all those who are reading these messages. And so,we ask that you pay careful attention to the urges of yourvehicles, pay careful attention to the psyche of your being. Paycareful attention to the guidance that you are receiving. For yourlives shall never be the same. For your path shall not be the same,for your duties to act as beacons of light shall increase ever somuch. For you shall indeed be drawn to a new set of realities,thinking patterns, and ways of being.
Know that we arestanding by you ready to assist you in all that you are. Know thatwe love an you unconditionally. Know that we are walking with youhand in hand, and foot in foot. Know that you can call upon uswhenever you wish. Know that it is so. For it is.
這就是今天要講的。我們愛你 ! 我們與你在一起 ! 暫別。
That is all that wehave for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye fornow.
通靈:AnnaMerkaba 翻譯:NickChan