2019年10月13日 星期日



Dear Ones, the more you can use broad intentions for your manifestations, the greater the possibilities. From your side of the veil you are not able to see the glorious outcomes that are available for you. You naturally have a tendency to try to create through the lens of what you think is possible. Being willing to discover what is actually possible vs what you think is possible is the key to allowing your life to get as big and beautiful as it wants to be. You do that through the co-creating system of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


雪萊的筆記:昨天,由於米爾頓·福斯特(Milton Foster),今天的信息重新回到了我的意識中。我不確定我最初何時發布它,但是對於我們今天所處的位置來說,它絕對是完美的,所以我認為我將在《 Throwback Thursday》帖子中使用它。希望你喜歡它。:)

Shelley’s note: Today’s message was brought back into my awareness yesterday thanks to Milton Foster. I’m not sure when I originally published it, but it felt absolutely perfect for where we are today so I thought I’d use it for a Throwback Thursday post. Hope you enjoy it. :)


Dear Ones, we encourage you to think of yourselves within these shifting times as being part of an orchestra. There are so many different notes and vibrations coming together to create the vibrational masterpiece that is the ascension of you and your beloved planet. Just like you could not say one instrument makes the orchestra, there is no one energy that is responsible for the amazing times you are experiencing, rather, the delightful melding of the energetic whole.


You are all pivotal and adding immeasurably to the beauty of the shift, and the entire universe is responding with loving support. It is a model of unity consciousness far beyond what you can imagine, but hear us when we say that you have already been playing in those energies far longer than you have realized. It is all happening because of you – the fearless wayshowers, the tender, mindful, and courageous human beings, who dare to dream and allow their divine truth and beauty to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

