2016年12月11日 星期日



Many of you deny your feelings and needs for so long that you become completely out of balance and that causes you to become reactive. As you start to honour yourself and your own needs as being as valid as everyone else ' s, you create a space of greater comfort for yourself.


Because you have become accustomed to becoming reactive as a precursor to change, many of you feel that a strong energetic response is necessary to be heard or to create change. But the true change comes from the moment you have decided that you energetically no longer wish to play in certain energies. Simply put, anger may be a catalyst, but all change is a choice.

你可以有效地進入改變,堅定和謹慎地,因為所有的改變來自決定有著可取的東西。它來自那平靜和授權的自我聲音,你會創造你所尋找的空間,可以從那裡擴張。~ 大天使加百利

You can just as effectively move into change, firmly and mindfully, because all change comes from the decision that there is something preferable. And it is from that calm and empowered new declaration of self that you will create the peace you seek within yourselves, which can only spread out from there. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wx4m.html

