2016年12月17日 星期六



Many of you hold yourself back from your dreams because you can not figure out all the steps that would bring your dream into fruition. Dear Ones, hear us when we say that is our job! Your mind has many great skills but seeing beyond the context of what it already knows is not one of them. Co-creation allows you to move into the realm of endless potential and possibility, far beyond what your mind could see as a viable option.

你的工作是決定你想要體驗什麼,然後臣服於創造的流動。我們會指引你,一步步地。你所需要做的就是注意跡象和同時性,跟隨魔法。所有偉大的改變都是一個當下時刻一個的創造,從你的心中,它知道如何響應你靈魂的呼喚。~ 大天使加百利

Your job is to decide what you would like to experience and then surrender into the flow of its creation. We will guide you step by step. All you need to do is watch the signs and synchronicities and follow the magic. All great changes are created one Now moment at a time, and from your heart, which only knows how to respond to the beckoning of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wxev.html

