2016年12月22日 星期四



Dear Ones, if you have an area of your life that is less than ideal to you, and you have developed a lot of negative self talk about that topic, the first step is to simply commit to watching your own chatter about that topic. You might even want to write down the statements you make about that area of your life. Try not to judge the situation or yourself, you are simply gathering information.

一旦你收集了這個領域典型的語句,我們想要你問問自己, “這是真的嗎?”讓那好,如果你認為是真的,問問自己“這是我想要延續的真理嗎?”隨著你閱讀典型語句的列表,感受其能量。它可能是稠密和沮喪的。注意你的身體。你也許會感到腹部的緊縮。你的身體也許會感到緊張,隨著你的閱讀。你所感到的感受就是抵抗。

Once you have compiled your typical statements around this area of your life, we would like you to ask yourself, as you read each one is, “ Is this really true? ” Then, if you think it has been true ask, “ Is this a truth I would like to perpetuate? ” As you read the list of your typical statements, feel the energy. It likely feels very dense and frustrating. Pay attention to your body. You likely feel clenched in your abdominal area. Your body probably feels very tense as you read your list. That feeling you are experiencing is resistance.


Once you are done inspecting your list, we urge you to get a new piece of paper and ask yourself how you can change those old statements to better convey what you would like to create for yourself. When you read a new statement, feel in your body. Do you still feel a lot of resistance? If so, ask for help to release it. Then adjust the wording. Keep releasing and rewriting until you have a new statement that you can read and feel good about. One that helps you feel expanded and clear.


Then, with your awareness, replace any of the old chatter you may move back into out of habit with your new statements. You could even do something symbolic and burn the old list if you like. Take out your new list and read it regularly. You may even write out any new statements you particularly like and place them where you can see them daily.

在過去的幾年,你們都深刻地進化了!你在奇妙的方式中創造。讓舊的習性離去吧,擁抱你創造的能力。是時候了,你已經轉變好轉變最後不再奏效的領域,永久地。~ 大天使加百利

You have all evolved so profoundly over the past several years of your linear time! You are creating in wondrous ways. Allow the old beliefs that you developed long ago in very different energies to leave now, and embrace your ability to create anew. It is time, and you are oh, so ready to transform those last areas of your life that aren ' t working for you, once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wxkd.html

