2015年4月28日 星期二



Some people may be finding themselves in what wecall the pregnant pause – a time when you knowsomething is manifesting but you haven't quite seen the fruits ofyour labour yet. We understand that being in a lull can seem quiteuncomfortable, but it is actually an energetic pocket that isfilled with opportunity for you.


When you are in aquiet period, it is a time that is designed for integration. Youare still shifting and integrating energies from the recenteclipses and equinox, as well as solar influences. Many energeticshifts require time to fully anchor into your energybodies.

2015是非常非常繁忙的一年,充滿了改變和發現,對於你們許多人來說。停頓的禮物給予了你大量的時間為緊隨而來的活動做好準備。花時間冥想,自我照顧,吃好,喝好,花時間做你享受的活動,弄清楚你希望創造什麼 ?

2015 is a very busyyear of change and discovery for many of you. The gift of a pauseis that it allows you plenty of time to rest in preparation for theactivity that is sure to follow. Use the time to meditate, fortender self care, to eat well, to hydrate, to spend time inactivities you enjoy, and to get clear about what you wish tocreate.


The universe is always, alwaysgiving you exactly what you need. By accepting the perfection ofall stages you will be able to harness the many energetic gifts ofa lull period. If you can consider it preparation time to be farmore efficient as soon as the time is ripe for movement, you willbe able to enjoy the support and quiet clarity such periods canoffer. ~Archangel Gabriel



DearOnes, if you are seeking peace, the way to find it is throughacceptance and allowing. Acceptance is the demonstration of your deepfaith that the universe is always unfolding for your highest good,even if you are not understanding all the details yet. Allowinghonours the complete capability of each soul to have the exactexperiences they need for their own growth andexpansion.


When you finally realize that theuniverse is supporting you, and every other soul on the planet, theneed to interfere, rescue, control, worry, resist or paniccompletely dissipates. You can then shift into a space of BEingrather than doing, which is where the peace you've been seeking hasbeen all along. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vkkx.html

