2015年4月19日 星期日



As you are having a human experience, it iscommon to believe you are separate from Source.But in reality, you are a part ofSource energy, and the separation is illusion. Simply ask toconnect back to the energy of Home and feel the unconditional lovewash over you. Know that you can move into that alignment wheneveryou choose, simply by intending to. See that the beauty of Sourceenergy is everywhere, in a butterfly, in a flower, in a snowflake,in the songs of birds, in the rising sun, in the stars in the sky,and in the mirror. Source energy is the constant, it is all thatis, and as you start to see it as where you came from, and that youare surrounded by it, you will start to live from a place of deepjoy in the present moment, enjoying the connectedness andunconditional love that is always there for you. There is never,ever a time when you are not part of it all. ~ArchangelGabriel


