Trying to live your life while out of alignmentis much like trying to play a chess game when you can only view theboard from eye level. Itcan be very difficult to see what is the best move from such avantage point. When you are in alignment, you are accessing yourhigher self, your guides and helpers, who can see the entire board,all of the potentials, and which moves will help you reach yourgoal.
Does it not make sense to navigateyour life with the help of all of your team? Simply ask your guidesand your highest self to take the lead, to guide you to your bestoutcome, and then follow the path of least resistance and the signsand synchronicities that are sure to come. There is never, ever atime when you have to go it alone. Isn't it time to align andshine? ~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102viyx.html
Human beings are experiencing depression andanxiety in record numbers. Have you noticed how acceleratedenergies seem to worsen that condition in people? Let us explainwhy.
Depression, simplyput, in the vast majority of cases, is a result of resistance tothe flow. When you are in times of acceleration, the symptomsbecome exacerbated due to the increased resistance to theaccelerated flow.
Anxiety, in the vastmajority of cases, comes from being in accelerated flow withoutfaith. As the energies speed up, so do the symptoms ofanxiety.
The solution?Surrender is the antidote for depression, for it gets you movingwith the energies, and provides all the energetic support requiredto create the movement and comfort the soul is seeking.Surrendering into the flow with faith and trust is the antidote foranxiety, stilling yourself enough to feel all the love and supportfrom Source, your guides, helpers and highest self, that is always,always present for you at all times.
Staying in a surrendered state offlow, watching for the signs and synchronicities that are the signsof the love and support that exist for you, is a healing streamthat will create the comfort, joy, ease, peace and contentment youcrave and deserve, during these miraculous times on your planet.~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vj1o.html
Staying in a surrendered state offlow, watching for the signs and synchronicities that are the signsof the love and support that exist for you, is a healing streamthat will create the comfort, joy, ease, peace and contentment youcrave and deserve, during these miraculous times on your planet.~Archangel Gabriel
翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vj1o.html