2015年4月26日 星期日



There is a conditioning that exists in many ofyou that has been reinforced by many generations of yourancestors. This was the usvs them mindset, that was created by the suffering of the massesand was perpetuated by those who were using power to keep peopledisempowered. People bonded together by their lack, by their victimconsciousness, by their discomfort. It became a means of unitywithin separation, a way of connecting, that people sought to findcomfort from.


This is stillcontinued by many human beings to this day. ​​People meet and thefirst thing they do is to start sharing how hard their life is forthem. They do this to gain acceptance and to unify with others,lest they seem to be the same as those who seek to keep the massessmall and uncomfortable. This is one of the main reasons, to thisday, that people are reluctant to share their joys and successeswith others.


Dear Ones, what ifyou saw other's successes as a sure sign that success is coming toyou, too? What if you celebrated others growth and joy as your own?What if you bonded over what was right and wonderful in your livesthe second you saw each other ? What if you saw the universe ascompletely abundant with more than enough for everyone?


We will tell you whatwould happen. You would finally be stepping into your authenticpower and unity consciousness that is based on creation and whatyou wish to experience more of. You would move out of judgment andinto unconditional love, experiencing other's joy as your own. Youwould all be encouraging and uplifting each other, and finally,finally shrugging off the habit of playing it small and living inworry and lack. You would shine, without fear, which would allowyour lives to improve and evolve in marvellous ways.


Isn't it time? Isn't it time foryou to create a safe place for each other to share and shine,finally demonstrating that the success of the one is the success ofthe all? ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vkhj.html

