2013年12月17日 星期二


摯愛的親人們   Beloved Ones,


As the solstice approaches and comes into effect, humanity is lifted higher and higher in their energetic fields and each is being gifted with the presence of the Angelic realms more pervasively than ever before. This is enabling each individual to receive the grace of the Angelic realms which assist in opening their hearts and souls to the higher frequencies of light and of love. As each being receives a greater influx and download of Christ energies into their own heart, a profound and subtle change takes effect in their daily lives. This will begin to show itself in the expressions between each member of humanity as they interact and connect with each other. The attributes and qualities of peace, loving kindness and goodwill will become more often expressed, one to another, as humanity begins to understand the greater purpose of many things that were not available for their discernment before.

橫跨整個星球,一種愛之覺知的運動將升起,而人類將提升進入到一種自身真實存在目的的更高感知,了解此刻存在於這顆星球上的歷史意義。許多的揭示將陸續在每個人的意識中發生,同時將映襯出愛與聯合意識的覺知進入到地球生命更偉大的表達中。人們將不再擔憂或是感到受於限制去全面的表達內在心靈所感受到的愛,在任何被給予的時刻都是如此。在每個靈魂內在具有的所有更高品質的美麗將帶著喜悅與幸福,在他們向外的表達中浮現於表面。每個人會付出個人努力重新定向他們思維的過程,通過自己的行動,思維和舉止福佑他人與自己。 『樂於付出』將成為每個人自然的表達,因為他們理解了通過給予他人,也同時在給予自己。

All across the planet, a movement of love consciousness will rise up and humanity will be lifted into a higher perception of their true purpose for being here in the history of this planet at this time. Many revelations will begin to take place within the consciousness of each individual and it will be reflected by the mirrors of love and unity consciousness in the greater expressions of life upon the Earth. People will no longer be afraid or feel constrained to fully express the love they feel within their hearts at any given moment. All the beauty of the higher qualities within each soul will rise to the surface in joy and happiness in their outer expression. Each individual will make the effort to redirect their thinking processes into avenues that bless others and themselves by their actions, thoughts and deeds. Paying it forward will become the normal expression within each individual as they comprehend that by giving to others they in turn, give to themselves.

宇宙法則將被見證到以更高的頻率完全體現在人類更高的意圖中,同時人類將發現更為容易接收到比起過去任何時候自己最深最摯愛夢想的實現。 『諒解』是每個靈魂為了在自己的生活中實現美好的責任,因為『你已送出的必將是你會獲得的現實』這個法則總是在影響,只是這顆星球曾經稠密的密度而更加緩慢才能理解。所有這一切此刻都在迅速的改變,同時世界的奇蹟在人類的生活與呼吸中將被看到,確認與賦予價值。確然如此,在宇宙中這是一顆最美麗與令人驚奇的星球!人類在自身的細胞和DNA系統中持有著巨大的潛力,而且這些將開始以自然和喜悅的方式得以彰顯。

The laws of the universe will be seen to fulfill humanity's higher intents with greater frequency and people will find it much easier to receive the fulfillment of their deepest and dearest dreams than ever before. The understanding that each soul is responsible for the good that manifests in their lives because that is what they have given out will become a rea​​lity. This law was always in effect but with the density upon the planet was one that was much slower to realize. All of that is now changing rapidly and the wonders of the world in which humanity lives and breathes will be seen, recognized and valued. Truly, this is a most beautiful and wondrous planet in the universe! Humanity holds great potential within their cells and in their DNA system and these will begin to unfold naturally and joyfully.


All across the planet, voices will speak in peace and harmony, decreeing a better life experience for all souls who choose to incarnate in a physical body so that they can bring completion to their life's plan and purpose. The energy of love will manifest with greater frequency and intensity than ever before and because of this, there will be a transformation within each person, the likes of which has never before been imagined. Each person will feel humble as they realize what a great opportunity they have been given in their incarnation upon this planet during these times and this will attribute to a resurgence of the higher qualities of expression within each individual and within the systems that have been operating upon this planet.


Humanity will rise in unison with the Earth as they become uplifted in the energies that are pervading all life upon the Earth and there will be a huge effort to rectify all harm done to the Earth and her kingdoms in the pursuit of wealth above all else. There will be better ways sought to provide the essentials to all humanity that will be in harmony with all life upon the Earth. This will facilitate the implementation of new technology which was suppressed in times past and this will make life upon your planet much simpler and easier than previously experienced. All who receive this new knowledge are those who have agreed to share it freely in order to bring the transformation into the higher dimensions of consciousness more quickly into effect. This is a most exciting development in the process of ascension upon your planet.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

