2013年12月30日 星期一


摯愛的親人們:  Beloved Ones,

There are many people upon the planet at this time thathave been and will continue to, look deeply within themselves sothat they may face every hidden aspect of their beings; to squarelyand truthfully, without denial, accept and love all aspects ofthemselves. It is their willingness to confront that which hasabided within them in order to balance, harmonize and come toresolution which now assists each person to become whole and thiswill facilitate a deep feeling of peace and contentment in all thatthey do and will bring joy and happiness in their outer lives. Theadage 'as above, so below' will begin to be understood within theirhearts, for the outer world always reflects that which liveswithin.


Manysouls have been undergoing rigorous attempts to balance the mentaland emotional aspects of their selves, knowing that there is nofullness of entry into a higher dimension until they are clear andclean of the lower dimensional thought patterns and beliefs. Thishas been challenging, to say the least, for many of you. I bringgood news to those of you who have been experiencing this dilemma.As the planet is purging and cleansing ages old density, and earthand weather changes take place, it is becoming much easier tomaintain equilibrium and so the energies are now helping each ofyou to release and let go of the stubborn old thought patterns andold emotional patterns that have been holding you hostage for along length of time. Each person will welcome this assistance andwill find it much easier to stay balanced within andwithout.


Itis important to continue to practice grounding your energetic rootsinto the crystalline diamond core of the Earth each day, for thisis necessary so that you can be fully incarnate here on Earth withall the higher aspects of your multidimensional Being. Set theintention to align with your Higher Self and Divine Monad eachmorning and practice giving love to self for several moments withaffirmations such as “I AM now merged into the highest octave of mySelf that is possible at this moment” and “I AM a pure vessel ofthe Divine Spirit”. Remind yourselves often that you are a being ofLight and of Love who chose to come to this planet during thesetimes to help anchor the cosmic Light into the crystalline core ofthe Earth. This is immensely important to Mother Earth for it helpsbalance her energies and helps to expand the Light withinher.


Bydoing this work each day, you are helping the Earth to birth intothe shining Star that is her destiny and assisting the whole ofhumanity to be raised to a higher frequency. This is not to saythat chaos and disorder will immediately cease to exist but bydoing this work and maintaining your higher vision for the Earthand all of her inhabitants, you are the calm in the storm as itrages in the world around you. Your peacefulness will have itseffect in the world surrounding you. Through these preceding yearsyou have all been doing work upon yourselves and now you arebeginning to realize that by doing so, you have been placingyourselves into positions of leadership as an adept who can wieldenergy in powerful and mighty ways.


Thisof course, brings with it, mighty responsibility and we areconfident and you should be too, that you have passed through thisinitiation with flying colors. If you are reading this message, youare one who is proven worthy and capable of taking on greaterresponsibility. Now it becomes easier to stay in clarity of thehigher purpose for your presence here on Earth. We, your brothers,sisters and colleagues, walk with you as you take up the reins ofyour new identity. Well done, Beloved Ones. Be in peace.

Until next week…  I AM Hilarion

譯者U2覺醒  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70101hq8m.html

