2013年12月16日 星期一



Dear Ones, givingfrom the heart is one of the most joyous experiences you can haveas a human. Giving from the heart, meaning with no expectation ofanything in return, is pure love in action. It is tapping into theenergy of Source and sharing that alignment. It is being ofservice, and wanting to make a difference to someone from thepurest heart space. When you tap into that endless wellspring ofunconditional love, you can't help but feel wonderful! It connectsus all, it uplifts, it encourages, it embraces, it shines, it holdsevery single high vibrating energy you can think of. So, Dear Ones,this holiday season and beyond, understand that giving from theheart is one of the best gifts you can give to unite, connect andtruly rejoice in the energies of this sea​​son of peace, love, joyand appreciation. ~Archangel Gabriel


