2013年12月19日 星期四



There are many Earth Angels incarnate at this time and itis not always an easy task for those who embark on the path offinding a better way. It can be a life that is often lonely as youare the ones who have agreed to come to earth and teach othersabout love. Sometimes your contracts of friendship and support meanthat you enter the lives of those who need assistance or awakeningand once they embark on their path of purpose, it feels like theyleave you and move on. This is not always easy for you feel themand their departure so strongly in your heart and your physicalbody.


Know that you are truly never alone and those that youhave helped remember who you are as that is how they were drawn toyou in the first place. Do not feel sadness, feel the joy of a jobwell done, for if they are on their way, that means that you didexactly what you came here to do and your relationships move toanother phase and as each one passes, you experience a heightenedsense in some way through that connection and find the wisdomwithin is greater than it was before.


Those that you assist find a renewed passion forlife and the human experience and that is such a beautiful gift.Don't underestimate your power to help others and know that you toocan ask for assistance should you feel the need and you will alwaysdraw new people and relationships to you. Those who are loving andcompassionate, teach about love and compassion. Those who feelpeaceful teach about peace, and those who are kind, teach about thepower of kindness.


What qualities do you choose to share with others? Whatmakes your heart and soul sing it's song? What is it that youaspire to when you look within and how do you choose to raise yourconsciousness and live your life at a higher level?


Let your spirit soar and aim for theDivine.

就是如此 And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, theangels


通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan

