2017年10月14日 星期六



Dear Ones, you have no idea how incredibly important you are. The grand shift that is occurring on your planet would simply not happen without you. You are the ground crew, the intrepid, loving souls who came to your planet to make a difference. Take a moment today to feel that truth, to acknowledge and thank yourself, and wrap yourself up in love for who you are, all you have done, and all you will continue to do. Bask in the knowledge that you are loved and honoured beyond measure, and that the entire universe is grateful for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, surrender with intention is your new go-to power tool as you learn how to work with the new energies. It allows you to move beyond feeling helpless if you don’t know the next steps, into empowered movement, utilizing all of the universal help available to you. It is the most efficient way to move forward into how you wish to express yourselves and your preferred ways of being.


More and more you will remember to redirect yourselves from engaging with the energy of problems or blockages into simply surrendering into your highest solutions, which is making the profound shift from victim consciousness into authentic power. This is consciously making the decision to use the new operating system that is fully supported in this next phase of your enlightenment process, which will lead you to the experience of far greater grace and ease so many of you have been yearning for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

