2017年1月18日 星期三



Dear Ones, during times when people seem so divided, we urge you to look to the common denominators that link you to each other. Every single person who voted in the US election thought they were making the right choice for positive change. Feel into that . You all want change for the better!


All human beings want to be heard, want to continue to improve their lives, want to be safe, to be honoured, to be loved and acknowledged, and to know they matter. How they perceive the best way to get there will differ, but the underlying desire is the same.


When you start to see that you all, at your core, wish for improvement, you can stop pushing against each other. You can see each other as being tender and hopeful human beings on your own individual paths of seeking improvement, and from your collective experiences, you will learn much about what moves you closer, or farther away from those desires. And then through the wisdom gained from those experiences, you will choose again, and again.

隨著你選擇去看到和認識到你們都希望同樣的東西,你會學會接納和榮耀彼此,這會錨定更加的連接和平和。~ 大天使加百利

As you choose to see and acknowledge the many ways you all wish for the same things, you will learn to accept and honour each other much more, and that is exactly what will anchor far greater connection and peace than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wz7n.html

