2022年9月23日 星期五


當您從 3D 轉移到 5D 時,您的服務也將從 3D 服務轉移到 5D 服務。3D 服務通常是不平衡的,基於殉道服務範式,並且依賴於外部結果來進行個人驗證,而 5D 服務是平衡的、支持的,是一種快樂的自我表達方式。

As you shift from 3D to 5D your service will also shift from 3D service to 5D service. 3D service is often out of balance, based in the martyred service paradigm, and is dependant upon external results for personal validation while 5D service is balanced, supported, and a means of joyful self expression.

3D 服務是您的服務進化之旅的切入點。它可以表現為相互依賴,為他人承擔責任,感覺自己比其他人更精通或了解更多,並為他人所做的治愈而自豪。因為它是由外部驅動的,所以它也會覺得你永遠做不到。因為它基於殉道服務範式,你可能覺得你需要把自己放在地上,試圖證明你自己的善良,無論是對自己還是對他人。3D 服務仍然以分離的方式運作,認為自己比其他人更先進,但不包括自己的愛和關懷。需要明確的是,3D 服務是一個必要的起點,大多數真正希望有所作為的人將會超越這一點。

3D service is the entry point to your evolutionary journey of being of service. It can show up as codependency, assuming responsibility for others, feeling like you have more mastery or know better than others, and taking credit for the healing others have done. Because it is driven by externals, it can also feel like you can never do enough. Because it is based in the martyred service paradigm, you may feel like you need to wear yourself to the ground to try to prove your own goodness, both to yourself, and to others. 3D service still operates in separation by seeing yourself as more advanced than others yet not including yourself in your own love and care. To be clear, 3D service is a necessary starting point and one most who truly wish to make a difference will evolve beyond.

5D 服務是為了讓您以這種方式表達自己的快樂而進行的服務。你意識到自己的成長和進化,並尊重他人作為他們真正的主人。這是一條賦予他人權力的道路,而不是讓他人對你產生依賴。它是靈魂引導,而不是個性引導。它是包容性的,這意味著您接受他人所在的地方,並且您還將自己的愛和關懷擴展到包括自己在內。它是平衡的和不斷發展的,並且基於讓你的存在引領潮流。它是你的純粹散發,不執著於結果,而是基於信仰和信任,即你的成長就是你的服務,你的存在是綽綽有餘的。

5D service is service that is done for no other reason than it brings you joy to express yourself in that way. You are conscious about your own growth and evolution, and honour others as the masters they truly are. It is a path of empowering others rather than having others develop dependency upon you. It is soul led, rather than personality led. It is inclusive, meaning you accept others where they are and you also extend your own love and care to include yourself. It is balanced and ever-evolving, and based on allowing your beingness to lead the way. It is a pure emanation of you that does not have an attachment to outcome but rather is grounded in the faith and trust that your growth is your service and your beingness is more than enough. It is allowing yourself to be a teacher by example and allowing others to find their own way while still being honoured to share your gifts in ways that help others discover their own truth and mastery.

親愛的,從 3D 到 5D 的轉變將發生在你們生活的所有領域。讓你的服務在快樂、和平、存在的空間中展開,全新的道路將向你敞開,將你帶到你的目標和生活表達的下一個層次。釋放它需要以任何特定方式看待的期望,您將進入一個全新的服務範式的發現中,它將以前所未有的方式支持您、您的成長和地球的進化。〜大天使加百利通過雪莉·楊

The shift from 3D to 5D will be happening in all areas of your lives, Dear Ones. Allow your service to unfold into that space of joyful, peaceful, beingness and brand new pathways will open to you that will take you to the next level of both your purpose and your life expression. Release the expectation that it needs to look any specific way and you will move into the discovery of a whole new service paradigm that will support you, your growth, and the evolution of the planet like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


